Wang Qianjin listened to Yun Bixue's so angry and cold voice, and he was not annoyed and calmly said: "Yun Bixue, you should not be so angry and angry, nor should you not believe me so much, you said, where am I Have you been harmed twice?"

"Wang Qianjin, without further ado, if you take my grandfather away, you violate my bottom line."

As he said, Yun Bixue slapped it on the table in front of him. Because he was too hard, his palms were red, and the things on the table were shocked.

This sound is relatively loud and reached the ear of the other party through the mobile phone.

"It's so easy to be angry, but it's not good."

Yun Bixue said coldly: "Wang Qianjin, you should call me, shouldn't you just tell me this, tell me your purpose?"

Wang Qianjin said: "Yun Bixue, I may have my own purpose before, but since Grandpa is here with me, I know one thing, so even if I hurt anyone, it would not hurt you and Grandpa, you remember Live this sentence."

Wang Qianjin's voice was soft and solemn.

Yun Bixue smiled, gritted his teeth and said: "Wang Qianjin, do you think I will believe you? You are too good to say, and you will not hurt me? You said you were close to me before, which time was not with purpose, you took me Grandpa gets it away, and tell me again, you won’t hurt me, you’re stupid!”

"Wang Qianjin, don't think you can cover the sky with only one hand."

"Don't be angry, angry is bad for your health, or else, let me tell Grandpa?"

Yun Bi threw out the pen on the table, "That's my grandpa, not your grandpa!"

Wang Qianjin shrugged, and then gave his phone to Grandpa Yun.

"Warm warm!"

Yun Bixue was still angry, but as soon as he heard this voice, all his anger dissipated, and tears could not help but fell off.

Yun Bixue sobbed in his throat, sucking his nose hard.

"Warm warm, I'm grandpa, don't blame Xiaojin, don't be angry."

Yun Bixue couldn't help tearing anymore and cried out, "Grandpa."

"Ai, Nuan Nuan, grandpa, grandpa, don't cry, don't cry... Nuan Nuan is the strongest, don't cry..." Grandpa Yun was very anxious on the phone, he could hear it, his granddaughter cried , Also anxious.

Hearing Grandpa’s voice again, for Yun Bixue, it was natural, she was so excited that she could hardly say a word.

Since Grandpa left, she has been suppressing herself for a long time. No matter how happy she is in her heart, there is a pain in one place. She thinks Grandpa and blames herself and fails to guard Grandpa.

So when I heard the sound at this moment, the emotion in my heart surged up, and she didn't control it.

She knew she shouldn't cry, but she couldn't control the emotions in her heart.

"Grandpa, how are you? Blame Nuan Nuan, Nuan Nuan didn't protect Grandpa."

"Grandpa is very good. Don't be sad. Xiaojin saved Grandpa. Don't blame him. He is a good boy. Grandpa is really good..."

Yun Bixue wiped away her tears, made herself awake, and asked, "Grandpa, but you are with him, why haven't you sent me a letter for so long? Has he done you bad, I think he is using you ,grandfather!"

Grandpa Yun sighed, "It's a long story, and it won't be clear for a while."

"If Grandpa is really good and more important than anything, he didn't threaten you, Grandpa?"

"Grandpa's words are true and false. You can tell clearly and warmly. As long as you know, Xiaojin won't hurt Grandpa and you, you know?"

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