Yun Bixue rarely showed such eyes, especially the light of the ribbon with her prayers, which was exposed when she was in pain.

Xie Limo was completely unable to parry.

"Li Mo..."

The cry was even more tender, and Xie Limo sighed and followed with a soft sigh, "Promise you, don't be excited anymore."

With that, Xie Limo turned his head and shouted, "Why haven't the doctors come yet?"

The servant ran up and replied breathlessly: "Xie Shao, Doctor Liu and they are out!"

Xie Limo patted the armrest of the chair with one hand, Ling Ran said: "Going out?"

The maid said tremblingly: "Yes, Xie Shao, every day, Dr. Liu will go out."

"I let them come to look after my wife, how did they look after me? Ah?" Xie Limo kicked all the chairs out, and the armrests were pulled off by him.

Xie Limo even said in a sharp voice: "It turned out to be so negligent that the wife will soon reach the due date, who let them go out!"

The servants saw Xie Shao's so much anger, shocked and scared. On weekdays, they only saw Xie Shao's gentle, high cold, never seen such a rage.

So for a while it was really ignorant, I didn't know what to say.

Yun Bixue can only cover her stomach tightly. This kind of pain is painful, but it also tortures people and has a very uncomfortable feeling in the whole body.

She called Xie Limo lightly: "Li Mo, Li Mo..."

Xie Limo was burning in anger and heard Yun Bixue's voice. When he looked back at her, his eyes softened. "Axue, you can bear with me. I will take you to the hospital."


Xie Limo said, picked up Yun Bixue and hurried away, and said to the servant: "Let the driver drive the car out."

"Yes, yes!" The servant glanced at Mrs. Shao gratefully and hurried out to call the car.

She thought, if it weren’t for Mrs. Shao’s voice, she didn’t know if she could keep it today.

Xie Limo went downstairs quickly and calmly, while comforting: "Axue, it's okay, I will go to the hospital in a while."

Yun Bixue leaned on Xie Limo's shoulder, looking at him worried about himself, his brows were tightly wrinkled together, although still gorgeous and luxurious, but there was a trace of worry.

"Li Mo, it's all right that my stomach hurts."

Even if Yun Bixue said that she was fine, Xie Limo could still see from her pale face, she must be extremely uncomfortable.

Xie Limo pressed his lips tightly, his expression tight.

When he put Yun Bixue in the car and was about to drive away, a man in a black suit ran over and said breathlessly: "Xie Shao, no good!"

Xie Limo put on his sunglasses and said sharply, "Say!"

Despite this order, Xie Limo started the car and drove out of the villa.

The subordinate quickly caught up with a few steps: "Xie Shao, no good, when the medical staff went to Houshan to pick herbs today, they were taken away by several vehicles."

Xie Limo drove slowly, and asked sideways: "Who did it?"

"The subordinates don't know, but someone has been sent to check."

Xie Limo raised his hand and looked at his watch. The cold voice said, "I have an hour and a half before eight o'clock in the evening. I want the result."

A certain subordinate was startled a few times, and said daringly, "Yes, Xie Shao!"

Xie Limo didn't stay any longer, at the moment the door opened, he accelerated the throttle and drove steadily towards the hospital.

Like the rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife please collect: ( The rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife's literary update is the fastest.

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