The two elders walked straight, thinking that his elders wouldn't say anything about the wind and the rain, and it wouldn't be the final word, no one respected him respectfully, but came here, but they couldn't do anything, and they couldn't even go back.

He wanted to pass the news of Yun Bixue's pregnancy to the elders' home.

He was mad at him.

"Second Elder, these people are so deceiving, they don't take us seriously."

"That's right, elder elder, who is not respectful to us, when did they succumb."

"Not even a little good treatment."

"We are not allowed to go abroad yet."

The people who came with the second elder were also angry. They were able to act like a fox, a tiger, and a tiger. He once succumbed, so they encouraged the second elder to do something.

The elder of the two elders said furiously: "Fool, what do you know, if there is no arrangement by Xie Shao, would these people dare to do this?"

"And my identity can't be revealed yet. I came to country A privately, and it doesn't meet the rules. You all stop, I will think of a way."

"Yes, the second elder."

They did not expect that Xie Shao would arrange it.

These people, even following the second elder, were actually in awe of Xie Shao, because although they had never seen Xie Shao’s means in person, they had heard it at the headquarters. , Just because this gang hurt the mistress.

Anyone at the headquarters knows that Xie Shao's temper is extremely short-sighted. As long as he is regarded as a family member, no one can move, and if he moves, he will die.

But what makes them strange is that Xie Shao's death, but Xie Shao did not make a big move, which made them incredible.

What these people do not know is that Xie Shao has already been off the Internet, and there is nothing to do.

After dawn, Xie Limo drove Yun Bixue home, accompanied Yun Bixue to eat breakfast, and then let her take a good rest.

Xie Limo wanted to continue to accompany Yun Bixue, but he received an important news that the palace was sick.

Xie Limo's face was heavy, and Yun Bixue looked at her with a somewhat uncomfortable complexion, knowing what must be the big deal, "Li Mo, did something happen?"

"Jun Dian is sick, and I worry that he can't support this level." Xie Limo said, looking at Yun Bixue's stomach.

He was actually worried. He did not want the emperor to be in chaos at this time, at least he had to wait until Yun Bixue gave birth to a child.

Calculated according to time, although the expected date of delivery is almost more than ten days, he has to leave a month.

Because Xie Limo didn't understand that a woman has confinement, he didn't set aside time for confinement.

He couldn't let Yun Bixue be hurt a little bit, nor could she make her nervous.

How could Yun Bixue not understand Xie Limo's thoughts, she said: "Li Mo, I'm fine, you go busy!"

Xie Limo looked at Yun Bixue who understood him, bowed her head and printed a kiss on her forehead, "You are well at home, if there is anything, call me."

"Well, rest assured, I am in good health now, I will control my emotions and not let myself be excited."

"Don't see anyone, and don't let anything affect your mood."

Yun Bixue raised his mouth, "I know, go."

After Xie Limo left, Yun Bixue was lying in bed alone, thinking about the past few days, and then taking a nap.

After a while, her personal mobile phone rang and woke her up.

Like the rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife please collect: ( The rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife's literary update is the fastest.

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