Xie Limo held Yun Bixue's shoulders, he did not want to look at her like this, thought she told her that she would be happy.

Yun Bixue shook his head, his face pale, and he didn't believe it.

Xie Limo was worried that Yun Bixue was not in good health, and helped her sit down next to her, and then asked the servant to quickly heat up a glass of milk for her.

"Axue, drink it first."

Yun Bixue's mind was blank at this time, but he instinctively listened to Xie Limo's words and drank the milk.

After drinking, the whole body was warm and refreshed with a sense of calm and reason. She turned to Xie Limo, her eyes weakened.

Xie Limo embraced Yun Bixue's shoulder, kissed her forehead, and reassured: "Axue, no matter what unthinkable things you encounter, don't get entangled, I will be by your side."

With that, Xie Limo held Yun Bixue's hands with one hand.

Yun Bixue could feel the warmth passed by his palm, and he could hold his body and body warmed up.

"Li Mo, you said, Wang Qianjin is my relative?"

Xie Limo nodded, "Well, although I haven't confirmed it yet, I think Wang Qianjin should confirm this, otherwise he won't let go of an opportunity to talk to me about the conditions."

Yun Bixue was a little dazed, and at this time he also remembered the situation of Wang Qianjin calling that day.

She thought carefully, sentence by sentence, at that time she felt very strange, and wanted to come at this time, if there is really a blood relationship, then it makes sense.

I also understood why he said that hurting no one would hurt her and grandpa.

And he also called his grandpa grandpa.

Wang Qianjin also said that if Xie Limo was bad for her, he would not let Xie Limo go.

She felt weird at the time, thinking why he wanted to say that.

But the more weird it is, the more problematic it is. It turns out that he really has a blood relationship with her.

"But Li Mo, I clearly remember that my parents only gave birth to me and my sister."

Xie Limo touched Yun Bixue's hair and said, "It's not necessarily from your parents, it may be another family relationship, one more loved one, one more person who loves you."

Yun Bixue thought of Wang Qianjin, who had always avoided him before, and dared not trust him completely.

But think about it carefully, Wang Qianjin really saved her many times, and helped her many times. He clearly had the opportunity to kill her or use her to make conditions, but he didn't do it.

If she is saved, she is saved. If she is really a relative, she feels guilty for her previous attitude.

"Axue, think hard, feel what he has done to you?"

"Li Mo, to be honest, other people say that the king's family is as shameless as hell, sullen and cruel, but in my eyes, I think he is really good in nature, otherwise I also have many opportunities to really scare him to killer, but instinctively do not want to Hands on."

Xie Limo looked at Yun Bixue with a gentle, soothing gaze, smoothing the confusion in her heart.

Xie Limo said: "Axue, in fact, the blood relationship is very wonderful, even if you don't know each other, but there is still a touch of intimacy in your face, maybe you ignore it, but you can't do something that kills the other party, this is instinct."


"Yes, everything is with me. Don't worry about Grandpa's things."

Yun Bixue's face was a little tight, and he was relieved only after Xie Limo's appeasement, saying: "Li Mo, I will be a little unacceptable at one and a half times, but I know that I am eager to have a loved one and love. "

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