Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie’s Dearest Beloved Wife

Chapter 1759: Care about Xie Limo's reputation

Yun Bixue pulled Xie Limo, and then gently kissed his lips, saying: "Li Mo, when you go to work, do everyone say you are wives and slaves?"

She felt that Xie Limo was too kind to her, and was afraid that everyone would say him in the back.

Xie Limo held Yun Bixue's hand and deepened the kiss. After a long while, she reluctantly let her go: "What everyone said, it was their business, and I am a wife who respects herself."

A trace of ripples appeared in Yun Bixue's heart, knowing that everyone must have chewed the tongue behind.

After thinking for a while, Yun Bixue said: "Li Mo, after I gave birth to the baby, we will go shopping together. I will go to your unit and take a seat. I will treat you better and get you back."

Yun Bixue was thinking, when she could find Xie Limo a face in front of outsiders, and let those people chew their tongues again.

She doesn't care about her reputation, but she cares about Xie Limo's reputation.

Xie Limo knocked Yun Bixue's forehead, "You think too much, they dare not talk nonsense and deceive you."


"Of course it is true, because I am kind to my wife. They think I am a good man and a person in charge, so I still have great respect for me."

Hearing this, Yun Bixue was relieved.

Xie Limo lowered his head and smoothed Yun Bixue's frowned heart, "Looking at your expression, I still don't know how many things I have pretended. If you want to ask, just ask!"

Yun Bixue pouted, "it really can't hide you."

Xie Limo knew Yun Bixue and gave her the quilt, saying: "I have said before, you are in front of me, any thoughts are displayed on the face, if I don't let you say it, you may still be tonight I can't sleep well."

Yun Bixue thought for a while, and then said: "Li Mo, Xia Jun Yan Wu at first glance is to compete for the position of the palace of the king, and the people who can compete with her are Kang Wang and Huang Wang, and the three fight, no matter which one sits At that position, maybe neither will be stable."

Xie Limo knew what Yun Bixue was worried about, "rest assured, my plan is not on the three."

"Who would it be?"

"Guess what, think about it, you can come up with it."

Yun Bixue looked at Xie Limo's chest, and began to think hard.

Suddenly, there was a flash of light in her mind, and she looked at Xie Limo in shock, blinking and staring at him.

Xie Limo nodded to her, obviously knowing what she guessed in her heart.

Yun Bixue lifted the quilt, sat up, and looked deeply at Xie Limo, "You...really...Huanhaoer?"

"Yes, he is the best choice, and this choice is also good for Haoer's future."

Yun Bixue's mood is complicated, and waves of waves appear in her heart. She used feelings for Haoer. She really liked that child, so when she knew Xie Limo wanted Xuan Haoer to take that position, In addition to being shocked, she was also worried.

Yun Bixue found his voice after a while, "Li Mo, Hao Er... Hao He is only five years old!"

"Axue, you have to admit that this is the best choice. It is the best choice for Haoer, the Imperial Capital and Country A."

Yun Bixue closed her eyes and sighed. She admitted that Xie Limo was right.

Only when Haoer sits in that position will his life be safer, and both Kang Wang and Huang Wang will be sincerely assisted, and there will be no differences.

Yun Bixue murmured: "But he is only five years old, and he really sits in that position, and he will work harder in the future."

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