The servant listened to the questions of the young lady and said, "The subordinates are not very clear. That day, your young lady has a stomachache, but you did not find them. Xie Shao was very angry. Everything was packed up, saying they were not allowed to enter the villa again."

Yun Bixue listened, a wave of waves flashed in his heart, and a flash of light flashed in his eyes.

In fact, she knew that Xie Limo was for her. Although she did not necessarily agree with his treatment, she would not interfere.

She cannot interfere with anything in Xie Limo because of her own thoughts, which will reduce his prestige.

As she said, Xie Limo does anything, even if it is wrong, she will support it.

Not to mention her.

Yun Bixue continued to ask: "Where did you Xie Shao go?"

"Xie Shao went out early in the morning, and his subordinates didn't know where he went, but Xie Shao told us to take care of Mrs. Shao, don't wake you up!"

Yun Bixue's eyes changed, "Did he not eat breakfast?"

The servant shook his head, "Xie Shao seems to be in a hurry. He left in a hurry. We don't know what Xie Shao did, but he explained that we have to take care of you."

"Well, he didn't say when he will come back?"


Yun Bixue pondered and waved her hand: "Well, then go busy!"

"Young lady, when will you have dinner, your subordinates will arrange it here."

Yun Bixue was going back to the bedroom, listening to the servant's words, stepped, and said lightly: "Will wait, wait until half past seven before dinner."


Yun Bixue was actually used to having breakfast with Xie Limo. He left in a hurry this morning, but she was still worried.

After washing, Yun Bixue entered the study and saw the documents on the table.

She looked startled, then sat down, opened it and looked at it.

It turned out to be a fax document from Xie's headquarters!

Document MOI31892.

Yun Bixue jumped in his heart. I don't know why, I always felt that this document should be a very important document, perhaps representing important things.

Yun Bixue's heartbeat accelerated, and picked it up and looked at it.

But all of the above are passwords, and Yun Bixue couldn't understand it at all.

She smiled and said to herself: "This password is really safe, even if it is known, it will not be understood."

Yun Bixue sat at the table, holding his head, imagining Xie Limo's busy life here, and began to daze.

She found that when her brain was empty, Xie Limo was all in her mind.

She knew that only in front of herself would he show a gentle side, and in front of others, he was a noble and cold look.

Stretching a lazy waist, Yun Bixue looked at the time and went to the first floor to eat.

But when I got to the living room, I could still hear the sound outside clearly.

"Why don't you let us in, but Xie Shao brought us over at the beginning, saying it's not necessary if you don't need it."

"How can we get a foothold in the future?"

"You are good, let's go in, we will take good care of Mrs. Young."

"It's all dawning next day. If you don't let us in, we will be here all the time. The reporter will definitely see it, and you don't want to make it big!"

"You certainly haven't informed Mrs. Young, she is the most kindhearted, she won't do this to us."


Yun Bixue listened to the words of several medical staff and suddenly looked cold, looking at the food on the table, and suddenly lost her appetite.

Like the rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife please collect: ( The rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife's literary update is the fastest.

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