Yun Dong looked at Yun Bixue's so serious expression and thought for a while, she said, "Miss, don't you overlook?"

Yun Bixue shook her head fiercely. There was a feeling in her heart, and she always felt something was wrong.

Suddenly, there was a flash of light in her mind, saying: "Yun Dong, staring at Xia Jun Yan Wu, sure there is nothing wrong?"

Yun Dong shook his head, "I haven't seen her come out since she was discharged from the hospital. It's okay for now."

"Never come out?"

Yun Dong nodded.

Yun Bixue pondered for a moment, and she suddenly stood up and said: "Yun Dong, I suspect that Xia Jun's dance is fake, and she has never taken any action, which is simply impossible, or what she is planning, or else Princess Palace is not her.

Yun Dong stunned and said, "Couldn't she find a substitute, and what would she arrange outside?"

Yun Bixue slapped on the table with a slap, "Yes, the only possibility is to send troops!"

Yun Dong's mouth widened in surprise, and she couldn't believe it, "What's she doing with her troops this time?"

Yun Bixue gritted his teeth and said, "The emperor may be in trouble. Yun Dong, please hurry and arrange. I will call Xie Limo."

But when Yun Bixue called Xie Limo, he couldn't get through.

This made her anxious.

She called Xie Liu again, but she couldn't get through. Yun Bixue understood it now. Xie Limo and Xie Liu must be in the palace, and the signal from the palace must have been blocked.

Yun Bixue immediately called Xie Wu and talked about his own guesses, so that Xie Wu was ready.

She also arranged for the Yun family's dead to start dispatching. If she really finds Xia Jun Yan Wu, she must stop her from transferring troops.

Yun Bixue walked back and forth at home, a little absent-minded. If she wasn't pregnant, she would definitely arrange this for herself, but for her own safety, she couldn't go out.

After everything was arranged, it was already afternoon, and the wind began to hang outside, and the sky was gloomy, and it looked like it was going to rain.

Yun Bixue gritted her teeth. If she guessed right, Xia Junyan Dance should be able to act on the rainy night. Rainy night is the easiest to cover up everything.

It seems that the emperor will change.

Seemingly feeling the mood of Yun Bixue, the child in her stomach started to kick.

Yun Bixue can only sit down, caress her stomach, and calm down all anxious emotions.

Despite her efforts to calm down her emotions, Yun Bixue was still anxious, listening to the rain outside and feeling the wind, and her heart could not be calm for a long time.

"Young lady, you haven't eaten at noon, drink some soup!"

Yun Bixue frowned, and she didn't want to eat anything, but thought that the child had just kicked her stomach, maybe it was hungry, so she endured and drank a bowl of soup.

When the rain was fierce, Yun Bixue's cell phone rang.

As soon as she looked at the phone number, it was an unfamiliar number, but somehow, listening to this voice, her heart began to jump uneasy.


"Yun Bixue, it's me!"

Upon hearing Xia Junyan's voice, Yun Bixue's eyes narrowed dangerously. "It's you? What do you call?"

Xia Junyan danced proudly: "I just want to tell you that the person who knows the current affairs is Junjie, you can't fight me, if you are willing to leave Xie Limo, Xie Limo will have nothing tonight, if you are greedy, your Xie Limo will have an accident. ."

Yun Bixue's heart jumped suddenly, "Are you crazy? Don't you like him? Why do you want to be against him?"

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