Yun Bixue looked at the time and never felt that ten minutes turned out to be so long.

She seemed to listen to the sound of her heart beating.

Arriving in ten minutes, Yun Bixue greeted the shadow Wang Weiying and Yun Shiying, some of them stayed here, guarding the villa with Xie Shiyingwei.

The other part, with Yun Bixue fully deployed.

The rain was getting smaller, but the imperial capital was no longer peaceful.

Everyone was scheduled by Yun Bixue, and everything went on in an orderly manner.

King Kang and King Huang also began to mobilize troops to stop Xia Jun's dance

The people brought by Yun Bixue drove across the streets of the Imperial Capital, and the splashed water was like rain flowers...

Even every car seemed to bring coldness.

Unsettled night, with a breath of killing...

Yun Bixue took the lead to the place where the second elder once lived.

She kicked the door open and said to the few people who were still there: "You two elders!"

The people who are still here are also the people of the Xie's headquarters, and they are also the confidants of the second elders. Rao is that they have seen the big scene, and they are stunned by the scene before them.

The person in front of him looked like a woman, wearing sunglasses, a black hat, a black leather coat wrapped in a black tights, and only a part of the face could be seen all over the body.

But those eyes were murderous and awe-inspiring.

In particular, the words spoken seemed to be polar glaciers, bitingly cold.

The woman who seems to be more beautiful, but at this time, she was enchanted and frightened.

Such a person brought a group of people in black behind him, just to get his life.

Looking at the three people who were not speaking, Yun Bixue slapped in the past, "Say!"

They are people in the headquarters, and they have arrogance in themselves. He was treated like this, "Huh, you want to find the second elder, he has long gone."

"Where did you go?"

"We don't know."

Yun Bixue sneered, "It's quite tough, and sentenced me directly to confession, even a little clue, you must let them all say it."

The three people were shocked directly, "We are from the Xie family headquarters, you dare to disrespect us!"

"Oh, I am Mrs. Xie Shao, do I still have the right to kill you!"

Yun Bixue smiled coldly, making people feel the cold wind whizzing, and his back was chilling.

Their surprised eyes were wide, and their mouths were wide open. They were unbelievable.

They had seen Yun Bixue and knew what Mrs. Xie Shao looked like, but compared with the woman in front of this Mocha, they were just two people!

To cry without tears means that they are like this.

"Mrs. Xie Shao, you cannot impose a sentence on us, we are the elders of the second elder."

Yun Bixue kicked it directly, and said to the people behind him: "They have a hard mouth, let me loose!"


Compared with a group of three people, the three people are not opponents no matter how powerful the martial arts are.


"Mrs. Xie Shao, if you do this, the headquarters will not let you go..."


Yun Bixue has always looked like ice cold from the beginning to the end, her heart is beating rapidly, she is anxious again, must find the clue as soon as possible, find the second elder.

The reason why Jin Tangzhu can find it has a great relationship with the second elder.

Moreover, she believes that Oriental Mujin will also meet with the elders of the second elder.

And Xie Limo, she has sent many people to find him to help him.

Like the rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife please collect: ( The rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife's literary update is the fastest.

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