Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie’s Dearest Beloved Wife

Chapter 1785: Voices from the international station

Although Yun Bixue's speech is very plain, this dark and cold momentum shows everything. Looking at other people's luxurious military ships and large equipment emerging from the bottom of the sea, people who detect intelligence can only be gray. Hurry back.

He has to go back and report as soon as possible, these people really can't mess with.

"Slow down!"

The intelligence probe's legs softened when he heard this.

"Hold the photo. This is a hundred small photos. Send it to your island. Within an hour, I want this person!"

"Women, there really is no one on our island!"

Yun Bixue's cold eyes swept away, and the man dared not speak.

Yun Bixue said sensibly: "I said there will be, remember, an hour!"

"Yes..." The man shivered violently, and then ran quickly, as if there were some beasts behind him chasing him.

After he went back, he reported to the island owner with a pale face, "Islander, islander, this is a photo!"

"What's the picture for me?"

The person stuttered: "The other party wanted this person, saying that it would be fine to find this person within an hour, if they couldn't find it, they would bomb."

The island owner couldn't believe it, "What are you saying? An hour?"


"It's too deceiving, deceiving too much, how can there be such a person on our island, how is it possible!" In fact, this is not a question of whether this person, the problem is dignity, the dignity of an island, how can we let people hold their noses like this go.

The island owner immediately held a meeting to discuss. Five minutes later, the discussion was over, and that was to ask for international volunteer help.

Their islands are originally under international guardianship.

When the distress signal is sent to the international station, someone will naturally copy the information and give it to the International Military Department.

What people did not expect is that Bai Yaoyao is now dealing with these external matters.

Through her own efforts, she has been nominated as an international military female general for almost half a year, and is almost the default female general.

When Bai Yaoyao read the news, he immediately launched an emergency order to search for the cause.

Ten minutes later, I learned that the person who sailed the boat and bombed the island was led by Mrs. Xie Shao because of a personal dispute.

After reading the news, Bai Yaoyao's complexion changed, and her heart began to beat anxiously, anxious for Yun Bixue directly!

She murmured to herself: "Bi Xue is now on the ship? Impossible? According to the truth, it should be almost time for delivery."

Suddenly, a bright light flashed from Bai Yaoyao's mind, and she suddenly stood up, pinched the message in her hand, and shattered it directly.

"Dare to bully Bixue, to death!"

With that said, Bai Yaoyao immediately shook the number and said to the assistant: "Arrange people, immediately follow me to Jiechuan Island!"


After finishing, Bai Yaoyao immediately put on his gun, put on his coat, and strode out.

Within a few minutes, a large military ship from the International Station began to rush to the Jiechuan Island.

In the same way, the island owner of the Jiechuan Island also received an international voice to let him solve the matter as peacefully as possible, that is, let him cooperate with the people who mobilized the whole island to find people in the photos.

The owner of this island almost spit out blood. Why, this time, the International Station did not play cards according to common sense and did not speak up for them?

This island mainly knows that this relationship is estimated to be able to vomit blood and faint.

But at this time, he did not dare to think much, and could only mobilize the whole island to find the old man in this photo...

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