The second elders were extremely fast, and the weather could not allow the plane to pick them up, and they could only hurry Qiao Zhuang into ordinary people and prepare to leave.

The ship arranged by Yun Bixue surrounded the island in all directions, and it was necessary to find the posture of the second elder.

As soon as the second elder took his heart into the water, the system on board detected it.

Yun Bixue immediately arranged Yingwei to arrest...

At the same time, the second elder also sent a signal to the high altitude that belongs exclusively to Xie's. Unfortunately, at the moment he sent it, he was intercepted by Yun Bixue with a system.

Bai Yaoyao had to intervene to continue to help, but the subordinates of the International Military Department persuaded: "General Bai, you are now at the nomination stage. According to international regulations, you cannot participate in this matter further."

Bai Yaoyao doesn't care, for her, Yun Bixue is the most important at this time.

"Needless to say, I know the size."

But before waiting for Bai Yaoyao to do anything, the International Military Department also gave her orders to let her return.

Bai Yaoyao was still worried, personally went to see Yun Bixue on the island.

The moment she looked at Yun Bixue, her tears could not help falling out.

Bai Yaoyao has also experienced a lot of people, but it is only at this glance that she is distressed when she sees herself as a sister of a loved one.

Yun Bixue should not be like this, she should be happy and gentle.

Bai Yaoyao stood in front of Yun Bixue, almost sobbing, unable to speak.

Yun Bixue sighed: "I'm fine, don't cry, go back! You can't stay here more."

"I don't care." Even if she was deprived of an international position, she had to protect Yun Bixue.

Yun Bixue shook his head and reached for Bai Yaoyao to wipe away his tears. "You don't care, but I care. You listen to me and go back."

"No, I want to stay by your side."

"Yaoyao, if you treat me as a sister, go back, and only if you go back, I will have something to do in the future, you can continue to help me, don't you?"

"Bah, you won't have anything, you will be safe." Bai Yaoyao, only in front of Yun Bixue, will converge the soldier's breath and become like an ordinary girl.

"Well, listen to me, go back!"

Bai Yaoyao looked at Yun Bixue's expression, her haggard face, and a cold breath dampened by the rain. It all said that she was very bad now.

Bai Yaoyao embraced Yun Bixue, and she wanted to use her power to warm her.

But Yun Bixue's heart was cold and hard. She tried hard to squeeze out a smile to comfort Bai Yaoyao, but she couldn't laugh after all.

"Yaoyao, this matter is my personal thing. I can't bring the International Military Department in. Do you know what is best for me, don't you? And you have been with me for a long time, and someone will find you, and you will suspect suspiciously. of……"

After a series of analyses by Yun Bixue, she insisted that she would not take her as a friend if she did not leave.

Bai Yaoyao took the people away.

Seeing Bai Yaoyao leave, Yun Bixue was relieved.

She knew that Bai Yaoyao was good for her. Similarly, she also had to consider Bai Yaoyao, and she should not be involved in this matter.

After Bai Yaoyao left, Yun Bixue's face became colder. "Did you catch anyone?"

"Miss, the other party is too cunning, and it seems to have a jamming system. We can't lock his position for the time being." A shadow guard from the water reported the truth.

Yun Bixue coldly ordered, "Two hundred miles away from the sea to cast a net, and the bait below to guide me to the surrounding sharks."

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