Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie’s Dearest Beloved Wife

Chapter 1790: Do not recognize her identity

The second elder has never been so desperate. It is a hard swim, hard swim. Although everyone is old, the arms and legs are still moving very quickly.

Even his confidant is not as fast as he is.

A shark's mouth scared the dead.

Obediently, the second elder suddenly regretted something and made Yun Bixue do...

She has a baby, nothing about him!

He is good as his second elder and enjoys how good life is, but now it is good, rushing big brother, do not know if he has the life to continue to enjoy it!

Poor Second Elder, in decades, has never been so embarrassed.

"Ah..." Someone who doesn't know how to swim was bitten by a shark's mouth, flicking, blood flowing...

The people in front swam and looked back, almost scared to fall off the bottom of the sea.

Ah... It's terrifying, the feeling of being close up is too frightening, they feel bitter...

Sure enough, the potential of human beings is infinite. At this time, a few people are just like the machine on the string, and they quickly spin up instantly.

At this time, someone on the ship had detected the signal and reported it to Yun Bixue.

Yun Bixue said lightly: "When people go ashore, they will catch, then withdraw the bait, and spill things into the sea to disperse the taste."

The goal was achieved, she would not let those sharks stay around.

After all, she didn't want to hurt the people on the island.

"Yes, my subordinates will arrange it here."

When the second elder and some of his heart swam to the shore, the person was already collapsed, gasping for breath, and nothing else.

But when he looked up, he saw that Yun Bixue was waiting here with everyone.

Yun Bixue waved his hand, and Yingwei immediately bound them all together.

The second elder had no grievances at this time and was convinced by mouth.

He didn't think about anything now, and he felt alive and well, still alive!

It always fell into the hands of Yun Bixue, better than being eaten by a shark.

Yun Bixue said goodbye to the island's owner, and took the elders to the boat. They began various interrogations on the boat.

The second elder was exhausted, and he couldn't stand tossing at this time, and he would say everything he could say.

"Yun Bixue, although the head of the house, the main mother and Xie Shao recognized your identity, other forces at the headquarters did not recognize it, and I, as a person in the elder's home, did not recognize it."

"They have protected you well, and this year, the headquarters has been busy, so your news can't reach there."

"Although your identity is not recognized, the blood of Xie's can't be shed. Jinxiutang has always been a place to train heirs. The young master should have such an arrangement."

"If it were not for you to be protected, according to the rules of the elder's home, you died, and the little master returned to the headquarters."

When quoting this sentence, the shadow guard next to him thought about the elder, "Our young lady still uses you to admit, what are you, now our young lady wants to kill you and kill you!"

"Huh, I don't know what method you used to make these shadow guards obey you?" The second elder felt very strange. The shadow guards of Xie's were all strictly trained and loyal to their masters. Why had they been so loyal to others?

The second elder did not understand that there is a kind of person who is inherently superior and has the courage to make people loyal.

Yun Bixue narrowed his eyes and said dangerously: "Elder Second, huh? You said it nicely, you actually want to take the child back to the headquarters, not necessarily for the Xie family, because he may not be able to survive in the Fairview Hall, right? ?"

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