Xia Junyanwu hated Yun Bixue's teeth at this time, no wonder she would say that, it turned out to be hypnosis!

But there will be hypnosis in this world! This is something that Xia Junyanwu didn't know and couldn't believe it.

"Yun Bixue, you are so mean..."

Xie Limo's expression was cold, so he had to start his hands and was stopped by Yun Bixue.

He said that Yun Bixue walked in front of Xia Junyan Dance: "Xia Junyan Dance, my Mr. Xie, generally does not hit a woman, but he has an intention to kill you. You know now, how annoying is it?"

"you you……"

Yun Bixue said coldly: "You don't need to hate me, Li Mo is my person, you think he can, but you have thoughts you shouldn't have, want to break up us, want to kill him, then I can't I’ll keep you, this is just the beginning, there’s a good show next, look at it!"

Xie Limo listened to Yun Bixue saying that he was her, and his eyes flickered slightly, feeling that the possessiveness in this sentence touched his heart.

At this time, Yingwei also came in, "Xie Shao, Mrs. Shao, His Royal Highness King Kang finished watching the video, please."

Yun Bixue nodded and asked Yingwei to bring Kang Wang in.

When Xia Junyanting walked in, Yun Bixue almost couldn't recognize it. This desolate person was really the King Kang that he saw before?

The mental state does not seem to be a person at all.

When Yun Bixue blinked, Xie Limo said lightly: "Xia Junyanting!"

Xie Limo didn't call Kang anymore.

Xia Junyanting didn't mind either. He nodded to Xie Limo, said hello, and then looked at Yun Bixue: "I have watched all the videos."

Yun Bixue said: "Your Highness King Kang, you won't be turning around today. Xia Junyanwu must be punished by the law. I won't do it myself, but she can't escape the law, the video is the evidence!"

Yun Bixue's implication is that if you watch King Kang and you want to maintain Xia Junyan Dance, it is useless. Xia Junyan Dance is still dead.

"Brother, save me, save me... Brother, I'm your sister... cough..."

Xia Junyanwu wanted to call for help as if he had caught a straw.

But Xia Junyanting just looked at her indifferently, and nodded to Yun Bixue: "I understand that you can do whatever you want, and I want to say thank you when I come to see you."

Yun Bixue froze, he said thank you?

"Thank you for letting me know all the truth and facts."

These things have been in his heart for several years, but I did not expect Yun Bixue to help him in the end, let him know all this.

Yun Bixue waved his hand and said lightly: "This is also a coincidence, as long as I do what I want to do next, you don't block it, it's not important to thank you."

Xie Limo looked at Yun Bixue's orderly arrangement of everything, and beside him, she only cares about the distress and embraces her body, fearing that she will be tired.

Xia Junyanwu looked jealous, but seeing that her brother did not care about her, she was really afraid of fear.

"Brother, brother, I'm your sister, you want to save me, you forget what you used to be the best for me..."

Xia Junyanting continued to talk about life and death, and it was even more stimulating to Xia Junyanting.

Xia Junyanting grabbed her by the neck and said, "Xia Junyanwu, is it because you are my brother who treats you well, but you count on me? Ah!"

"No, it's not, it's the woman, she left, it's none of my business."

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