Xie Limo listened to Xie Wu's words, and there was no mood swing on his face. Only he knew in his heart how much he distressed Axue.

He didn't know what mood Yun Bixue used to catch the elders.

She didn't know how she ignored the body all the time.

He could learn everything she had done in the night from Yingwei's mouth, but after knowing it, his heart was hurting.

He couldn't imagine how strong she was, but he blamed himself.

If he hadn't protected her, why would she need to be so strong.

But his Axue never blamed him, only comforted him.

Thinking about it, Xie Limo sighed, and then got up, he explained that all the film guards in the villa protected Yun Bixue.

He himself went to find the elders.

When Wang Bixue returned to the villa, all the shadow guards of the Wang family had already gone back.

However, they secretly received the secret order of Wang Shao, and they will protect Yun Bixue in the future. This is their responsibility and task.

So although Wang's Dark Guard continued to return to his previous position to hide himself, he secretly paid attention to all things related to Yun Bixue.

Anyone who dares to be against Yun Bixue is to fight against their Wang's Dark Guard.

Yun Bixue did not know that she had been secretly protected by Wang's Dark Guard.

When Xie Limo walked to the place where the second elder was detained, the car passed the street, and almost everyone scolded Xia Junyanwu.

The Emperor Capital has also banned all entertainment projects in silence for the Emperor Palace.

Although the imperial capital is solemn, because of the news in the morning, the lively discussion of everyone everywhere is all related to Xia Jun's dance.

When he came to the place, Xie Limo went straight into the room and saw the second elders and others who were locked with pipa bones on the wall. Xie Limo's eyes were cold.

The second elder heard the voice and raised his eyes weakly. When he saw Xie Limo, his expression changed.

Xie Limo sat down directly in front of him, watching the second elder didn't speak. He always had patience.

The second elder could not bear it, and said hoarsely: "Thanks...Xie Shao...You can't kill me...cough..."

Xie Limo sneered, squinting dangerously: "Second Elder, when you want to be unfavorable to Yun Bixue and want to take the child away, you should know that you have violated my bottom line!"

The second elder could naturally feel that Xie Limo came in with a fierce killing intent.

But since Xie Limo could come to see him in person, he might be able to persuade him to let himself go, even if there was a ray of life, he would have to try it.

"Cough...Thank...Small... It's a rule to take the child away!"

Xie Limo reached out and pinched the elder of the second elder, and said sharply: "You don't need to talk to me about the rules, what you are thinking, I know everything, I am not here to make you talk nonsense, I am here to kill you!"

The killing intention in Xie Limo's eyes was so obvious. Although the second elder was trembling in his heart, he remained calm.

"Thanks... Less... I have... cough... what you want..."

"Second elder, do you think I care about the value in your mouth?" said, Xie Limo stirred the chain.

The chain of the second elder's pipa bone was pulled in such a way, he almost vomited blood when he was in pain, and began to hum.

"Cough... at least I'm good... The elders' home will not be dissatisfied with Xie Shao..."

Xie Limo narrowed his eyes and said, "Want to threaten me with a nursing home? You don't know? I want the nursing home to disappear!"

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