Xie Limo held Yun Bixue's hand and said, "Axue, look at you like this, you are really completely insane, and your body is very cold, can I not worry?"

Yun Bixue wanted to smile at Xie Limo and appease him, but even when she laughed, she felt a little tired.

The eyes are a bit unopened.

Xie Limo was extremely attentive when facing Yun Bixue, and she could see clearly her little change.

"Axue, what's wrong with you?"

Yun Bixue shook his head, "It's okay, I'm a little sleepy, I will sleep again."

With that, Yun Bixue closed her eyes.

At first glance, she was terrified.

Rao is Xie Limo's indifference on weekdays, but this time it is also terrified.

"Axue, Axue..."

"Li Mo, don't bother me, okay?"

"Axue, today I brought Haoer. He went to see the two children. Don't you go and see?" Somehow, Xie Limo doesn't want Yunbixue to sleep now.

As if she was asleep, it was something that worried him.

After all, she slept a little, and her complexion was not as usual as usual, he was not worried.

He could not bear the possibility of losing Axue.

Yun Bixueqiang supported her spirit, wanted to say something, and remembered to get up, but she still closed her eyes because her mental cost was too great.

Xie Limo picked up Yun Bixue and shouted to the servants, "Hurry up and drive to the hospital."

Perhaps Xie Limo was too worried about nervousness, and Yun Bixue's hand was a little trembling.

Yun Bixue listened to his voice, opened his eyes, and said, "I'm not going to the hospital, I'm not going."

Yun Bixue's voice was very tough, and he looked at Xie Limo firmly.

Xie Limo breathed a sigh of relief, and then put Yun Bixue back on Kang, saying: "Okay, we don't go to the hospital, but I want to find a senior to show you, you can't refuse."

Yun Bixue nodded.

Xie Limo can only call an old senior and invite him to show Yun Bixue his body.

Just because he knew that Yun Bixue might have something wrong, he only invited this prestigious predecessor.

And this predecessor is the one who cured Qin Huai Ling's legs, and this is the international one, the legendary predecessor of the medical family.

When the senior gave Yun Bixue the pulse, he shook his head with a sigh.

Seeing the expression of his predecessor, Xie Limo was trembling, "Abo? She... how is she?"

"Don't you guys know how to hurt your daughter-in-law? Just after giving birth, you are going to confine yourself."

Xie Limo said anxiously: "Abo, it's my fault, it's my bad, but how is her body? No matter what I do and how to use it, I will take care of her."

"Looking at you like this, it's not wrong with the rumor. There is only one in my heart. Rest assured, with me in, the inner damage will be even worse. As long as you take care of yourself, it will be fine."

Xie Limo listened to the words of his predecessor, his expression moved, and even a little excited.

He really can't lose Axue, nor can she look at her body so weak, as long as he can be good, he can do anything.

"This girl doll is so cruel to herself!"

Listening to the emotions of his predecessors, Xie Limo was unclear, so he frowned, "Abo, did she do something? How can you be cruel to yourself?"

"This female doll is estimated to have taken the legendary secret medicine to restore the body's strength in a short time, but such medicine is also extremely harmful to the body and consumes people's blood."

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