The old man smiled, "There is nothing embarrassing, you can treat this kid like this, but also his character."

Yun Bixue said seriously: "Senior, he is very good to me, I cherish contentment."

Because the seniors gave her some medicine at the beginning, now her body is gradually warming up, with strength, it is not a state of drowsiness.

The old man sighed and said: "The high-ranking people in the wealthy family can have their own feelings. It is extremely difficult for the two to know each other."

Listening to the old man's emotion, Yun Bixue's eyebrows moved, something unclear.

"You haven't returned to Xie's headquarters now, you'll understand when you go back, and then, you can think about, in your country, in the big giants, which head of the family is not a marriage of interest, and which couple really cherish each other ?"

Yun Bixue suddenly nodded, "Thank you senior for pointing, I will always cherish it."

"Your girl doll is kind-hearted. This kid is kind to you and you will want to treat him a hundred times better. I naturally know that you will cherish it, but there are different ways to cherish it."

Yun Bixue blinked, listening carefully to the old man's words.

The old man said patiently, "You see his body as extremely important. Similarly, he will also see your health and your body as important. In fact, cherish him, that is, cherish yourself and love yourself."

Listening to this sentence, Yun Bixue was deeply touched and nodded solemnly, "Senior, I understand."

"It's good to understand, people, living in the world is a practice. Many things require you to feel for yourself and calm down to think about it. Since you understand it, you will be quiet in the future and you can't have emotional ups and downs. To."

Yun Bixue nodded vigorously.


Since Haoer followed Xie Limo into the villa, he followed the servant to the baby room. The closer he was, the more nervous and excited he was.

After waiting for so long, he can finally see the little sister?

Don't know what the little sister looks like?

Haoer imagined herself in her mind.

Although Uncle Xie told him that he is a younger brother and a younger sister, but he prefers his younger sister, of course, he will also be a good brother and protect his younger brother.

"Your Highness, this is the room of the two young masters."

Although many things have just happened in the imperial capital, as a servant in the villa, you should know everything.

Therefore, they are also clear about the identity of Haoer, and the title will not be ambiguous.

Haoer nodded and stepped into the baby room. When he saw his brother and sister on the big bed, he was a little curious.

When the servants saw the palace, they all saluted, and then gave the space to the palace. After all, Xie Shao explained that they all obeyed.

Haoer walked to the bed and saw Xie Nianzhen at first glance, and her big eyes like Liuli faced each other, and she felt joy and softness in her heart.

He was only five years old, and he didn't understand what it was like in his heart, only that he liked it too much.

"Sister!" Haoer cried Xie Nianzhen carefully and found that his sister was so small that he didn't dare to touch it.

Xie Nianzhen also responded babbling, grinning and giggling, pushing her hands with both legs as if approaching Xia Junzihao.

Xia Junzihao watched her tumbling, especially wanted to reach out.

He looked back at the servants on both sides and asked, "Can I hug my sister?"

Because he cherishes and cares so much, he wants to seek the opinions of adults.

Like the rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife please collect: ( The rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife's literary update is the fastest.

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