Xie Limo viewed Yun Bixue's body as extremely important. For a few days, all his energy was used to find the heaven and earth spirit treasure.

Yun Bixue looked at him so busy, distressed, but could not help.

Because she knew she couldn't toss about it anymore, and if she continued to toss about it, it would be Xie Limo who was distressed.

She firmly remembered the words of her predecessors. To cherish him is to cherish herself.

After Yun Bixue has slept well every day, he is looking after two children.

In fact, it is better to take care of two children than to accompany them.

These two children are really different from ordinary babies. They don't cry or make noises, especially their son is too worry-free.

If he had anything, he would yell a few times, and the servants would know.

The daughter is lively and active but not troublesome.

There is no such thing as crying, let alone letting her rest well.

Sometimes she was curious and she watched the two children hard, but she didn't see anything.

Now Yun Bixue's only worry is about things on Xie's headquarters, will she find trouble with Li Mo.

Although worried, Yun Bixue tried not to show it in front of Xie Limo.

Fear that his emotions affect his mood.

Recently, her body is getting better and better, and there is no feeling of lethargy.

Sometimes she felt emotionally, if it was not for her family Mr. Xie to cherish her, she probably broke her body.

In fact, I understand a little now that the couple is really distressed when they are together.

If the other person loves you and loves you, even if you don’t take yourself seriously, you are also a treasure.

Wang Qianjin knew that Xie Limo was looking for Heaven, Earth, and Lingbao. He knew that he was for Yun Bixue, and he also ordered to search within his sphere of influence.

Although it is difficult to find some kinds of Lingbao, they are artificial, they are working hard, I believe they can be found.

On this day, Yun Bixue watched the two children playing, but was very worried.

She knew that her mother-in-law Ji Qiongxin loved her children very much, but since the children were born, she had not received her mother-in-law's private phone.

She was a little worried about her parents-in-law and her parents.

When Xie Limo came back, Yun Bixue mentioned to him, "Li Mo, mom doesn't know what happened at the headquarters? Are we going to tell her about the child, she will be very happy."

Xie Limo put down his coat and swept Yun Bixue's body and said, "Abo said to keep you quiet, you see you are still walking around."

"It's not a problem for me to sit and lie all day, just walk around and do something."

Xie Limo sighed, touched her hair, and said lightly: "Leave the matter over there at the headquarters to me. I will call to ask about the situation at the mother's headquarters. Don't worry."

"it is good."

Xie Limo looked at Yun Bixue's still frowning heart, and said helplessly: "Let you not worry, see you still frowning."

Yun Bixue stretched out his hand and smoothed it out, "Isn't it alright?"

Xie Limo laughed and said, "I'm going to see the children."

Speaking of children, Xie Limo's eyebrows are warm light.

Yun Bixue smiled gently, "Knowing that you have to go to see the children every time you go home, they are now asleep."

Xie Limo took Yun Bixue's hand and said: "Asleep, I'll go check it out."

Since having a child, Xie Limo has more concerns in his heart. Bi Xue and two children are the people he wants to protect.

Coming to the baby room, Xie Limo looked at the two sleeping children and gently touched their heads, sighing, "These two children are really worry-free!"

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