Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie’s Dearest Beloved Wife

Chapter 1845: Girl is getting better and better

After someone remembered it, they began to say it in surprise.

"Ah, she is Yun Bilu!"

"Yun Bilu?"

"Yeah, the people who participated in the martial arts conference, the first in the world, that martial arts is really not covered. I heard a friend from afar say that after watching that scene, it was so exciting."

"It's her! It's her!"

"Quickly, let's go out and watch..."

"Goddess! I didn't expect to be so young and so beautiful!"


For a time, many people in the waiting room ran out of the house, wanting to see Yun Bilu, and some even wanted her to sign.

People with more complex thoughts want to win over Yun Bilu.

I think this is a personal talent, and if it is brought in, it will definitely be a great help.

Of course, when they reacted to chase out, Yun Bilu had already been taken back to the villa by Huang Yize.

They naturally cannot see it.

At this time, Yun Bilu staying in the villa did not know the situation of the airport at all.

I don't even know her popularity, it's almost half a year, and it's still high.

Yun Bilu watched Huang Yize busy in the kitchen, leaning against the door, looking at him with some greed.

Her goddess is cooking for her.

When she was in her freshman year, she really didn't dare to think that Huang Yize would become her boyfriend and treat her so well.

Do so much for her, tolerate her.

Think about it, she laughed loudly.

As soon as Huang Yize turned his head, he saw Yun Bilu leaning against the door frame, smiling at him, and his eyes shone with stars.

In fact, Yun Bilu was committing nymphos against Huang Yize.

But in Huang Yize's opinion, how cute and adorable her expression was, so that his heart was quickened.

Huang Yize shook his head and continued to work hard, but he said to Yunbi: "What does the light stand, come over and strike me."


Yun Bilu went in to help wash the vegetables and served the dishes.

Looking at Huang Yize's elegant cooking, Yun Bilu said: "Huang Yize, my cooking is also very good now. Let me cook the remaining two dishes!"

Huang Yize's expression slightly moved, and the corner of his mouth evoked an arc of evil charm, "OK."

The reason why she let the girl into the kitchen is because according to the reports of her subordinates, in addition to studying, the girl is still studying cooking, and he heard that the cooking has made excellent progress, so he naturally wants to try it.

Yun Bilu didn't know the curvy way in Huang Yize's heart. Her pure temperament was nothing to hide from the black belly of Huang Yize.

When Yun Bilu's last two dishes, Huang Yize looked beside him.

I found that this girl is really amazing to cook now. It looks pretty, very quiet and very ladylike.

It's also fascinating to focus on cooking.

The girl has become more and more excellent, and it gives him a feeling that if he wants to hide it, only he can see it.

Of course, he knows that this girl is the most real only in front of herself.

Yun Bilu's cooking is indeed full of color and flavor.

When Yun Bilu came out of the pot, Huang Yize could not wait to try it.

She put a chopstick dish into Huang Yize's mouth and looked at him expectantly.

Seeing Huang Yize nodded and said, "Very good." When Yun Bi opened her eyes, she smiled.

She found that cooking was also such a happy thing. Haha, after learning for several months, she could come in handy later.

Grab the man's heart and grab the stomach first.

Yun Bilu smiled secretly in her heart. In fact, she learned better cooking, but also wanted to follow him home in the future, and can also cook for his family.

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