Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie’s Dearest Beloved Wife

Chapter 1859: Check the information and make a decision

Xie Limo held Yun Bixue tightly, and his heart was a little heavy, "Axue, you don't understand, your body, I will find a way."

Yun Bixue smiled gently, caressing Xie Limo's frowned eyebrows, and said: "Li Mo, I'm in good health, it's okay, really, I will fight two enemies today!"

Xie Limo's eyebrows are still frowning, and there is no trace of loosening, which seems to be related to his mood.

He felt so heavy that he couldn't tell Yun Bixue.

But he didn't say that Yun Bixue could understand it. Because of it, she disregarded herself and distressed him.

Her body doesn't matter, she just doesn't want Xie Limo's burden to be too heavy.

Yun Bixue tried to distract Xie Limo's attention, and the two also said that the two were here today.

"What kind of person is that? I don't know if I hired it?"

"The two were hired killers and did not belong to any faction."

"We didn't kill the internationally well-known hired killer at that time, did we dare anyone to do anything to us?"

"These two do not belong to any faction and are alone, so they dare to take the task."

Yun Bixue pondered for a moment, and suddenly she murmured: "It turns out that the same is true of hiring killers."

"Li Mo, do you say that it will be the force from the headquarters and the task assigned?"

This night, Xie Limo fell asleep for a long time.

But Yun Bixue couldn't sleep.

She looked at Xie Limo's sleeping face, and her mind was a little heavy.

She knows that although her power is now everywhere, she does not have the power of darkness, that is, the use of killing power. Although the dead are powerful, they are not large enough.

If there are thousands of mercenaries and tens of thousands, then it is awesome.

At this time, Yun Bixue had an idea in mind.

No one knows that Yun Bixue's every decision has decided her subsequent invincible and amazing.

Yun Bixue took Xie Limo's hand away, and then fell lightly to the ground.

She went directly to the study, turned on the computer, and started to check the information.

She even asked Yang Mei to send those quaint books from the Yun's old house in the middle of the night. There are some records in it that might be useful to her.

This night, Yun Bixue checked the heaven and earth spirit treasure, the mercenary, the Xie's, even if there was a little information, she would think carefully and then coherent.

Yang Mei carried the books left by those older generations of the family overnight.

Although these books are not optimistic, and no one is going to rob, she still sent a lot of dead men to guard.

At two or three in the morning, Yang Mei delivered the book.

She left quietly again.

Yun Bixue began to read the book, but some of the writing on it was very cumbersome, and some words were difficult to recognize.

But Yun Bixue watched it carefully, and thought about it carefully, one by one to check.

Fortunately, she has a skill that she has never forgotten and can keep all the content in her mind.

She doesn't care if her body can be cured, she is strong, so strong that no one dares to bully others around her.

Up to now, she also understood the truth that strong is not to bully the weak, but to protect the people you want to protect.

Yun Bixue stayed up all night, thinking about what she had to do.

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Huang Yize helped Yun Bilu finish the school and wanted to formally plan to take her back to Heilongzong.

Yun Bilu's eyes were bright and excited, holding Huang Yize's arm and saying, "Huang Yize, you are so nice."

Huang Yize looked at the girl indulgently, "I'm not afraid to go back to me and I will bully you?"

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