Yun Bilu looked at the middle-aged man in front of him. The expression on his face was very complicated. Although he didn't speak anymore, he looked happy and sorrowful for a while, and he felt lonely and changeable.

She could feel that Huang Yize's father was very kind.

Huang Minglin looked at the girl and sighed, "It's not a compliment. Your girl is clear-eyed and pure-minded. My son's temperament is relatively cold. It is beyond my expectation to be so concerned about you."

Yun Bilu thought of Huang Yize, and his expression was gentle. "Uncle, Huang Yize is very good. He is not very good at expressing. In fact, his heart is very good."

There was a hint of surprise in Huang Minglin's eyes, "Oh? Do you think he has a good heart?"

Yun Bilu nodded and said: "Of course, he is very popular, everyone likes him, and he has a good temper, a great tolerance, and rarely gets angry."

Huang Minglin looked in a trance, "But he has opinions about my father, hey!"

"How? He likes your uncle very much. He is just cold-hearted and not very expressive."

Huang Minglin's expression moved, silenced, and said to Yunbi: "Girl, I invite you to come to tell you a very important thing."

Yun Bilu nodded seriously, "Well, uncle, you said, I listen."

Huang Minglin looked at such a smart girl, born to make people feel good, it is normal for her ice cube son to like her!

He was silent for a long time, and said: "This is the case, Yi Ze takes you back, even if you get a marriage certificate, everyone clearly admits that you are the master, but here is the place where the strong people respect, they may not be true from the bones. I respect you and serve you."

Yun Bilu listened to this sentence, stunned, he knew that the uncle was for her, so he told her this.

But even so, she wanted to be with Huang Yize.

But she can't be grieved in her heart. She is so stubborn that she feels stronger and needs everyone's respect.

She wants people to know that she is qualified to stand beside Huang Yize.

Looking at Yun Bilu's firm look, Huang Minglin said: "I know you are a good boy, and I really like my son. Yize also sincerely protects you, but you also know that any protection is flawed. I’m sorry for Yize’s mother, sorry for her.”

Speaking of his lover, the middle-aged man showed a lonely look.

Yun Bilu knows that only if you are really strong can you let others obey you and respect you. If she just fell beside Huang Yize in this way and became everyone's master, someone would inevitably refuse to obey.

"Uncle, I know you told me this, not for no reason, is there any way? Can I make myself a strong man and let everyone admire and obey from the bones?"

Huang Minglin was shocked: "Little girl, you really are clever. There is indeed such a way, but it is harder. If you endure hardship, my son must be distressed."

"Uncle, I am not afraid of suffering. I have been working hard, just want to be with him all the time, and also, when there is danger, I can stand beside him and protect him, although he does not need me to protect, but I still Want to be a powerful person around him."

Yun Bilu's words are very serious and his eyes are firm.

Huang Minglin was also surprised when he heard it. He smiled, and his voice was open, patting Yun Bilu's shoulder, "Little girl, have ambition."

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