When Yun Bilu was pulled back by Huang Yize, she quietly looked up at Huang Yize's complexion, which seemed very bad.

At this time, Huang Yize was cold, as if it were ice cubes, and the dust was elegant, but it was as if someone was far away.

This feeling of alienation and indifference made Yun Bilu feel uncomfortable.

Yun Bilu also grunted along the way.

But Huang Yize just dragged her forward and did not speak, but her hand held her firmly.

Although it didn't take much effort, Yun Bilu tried to pull her hand out, but she couldn't.

Yun Bilu always echoed what Huang Yize just said to his father. She was warm and sweet in her heart, but wanted to be intimate with Huang Yize. He is like an ice cube now, and he seems to be angry.

In fact, she really can't guess why Huang Yize is angry.

Back at the house, Huang Yize waved to everyone, and everyone left quickly.

Yun Bilu quietly scratched in Huang Yize's palm, "Huang Yize, why are you in a bad mood? I think the uncle also agrees with us together, and I will try to get everyone to recognize me in the future. "

With that, Yun Bilu shook his fist with the other hand, expressing his determination.

Huang Yize listened to Yun Bilu Nuo Nuo's voice, and his heart inevitably softened. He turned his head, looked at Yun Bilu, then took her in his arms, hugged him, and kissed him directly.

"Hmm..." Yun Bilu was completely stunned.

In the past, Huang Yize was deserted, and she took the initiative.

Such a domineering and crazy Huang Yize, she was really shocked.

Surprised, Yun Bilu reacted and immediately embraced Huang Yize's neck, grabbed him, and responded.

I don't know when, the two went to bed, and Huang Yize didn't give Yun Bilu any reaction time at all.

But he restrained himself, biting Yun Bilu's lips and saying, "It's really uneasy."

Yun Bilu gasped and thrashed Huang Yize's chest, "I'm not worried, I've been sleeping here and I've never gone anywhere. Someone said, your father saw me, he's your father, I You can’t miss it!"

"You can't see it."

Yun Bilu hugged Huang Yize and said, "Huang Yize, don't be like this. He is also your father. I think he has white hair, and it's also pitiful. I can see that he cares about your son in particular. Look at me, I don’t want to have parents. You have to cherish it, and your uncle is in a good mood, good health, and live longer. You also have a father. Someone hurts! It’s always good to have one more person loving you."

Listening to Yun Bilu's words, Huang Yize's heart was touched.

No one had ever said such a thing to him, but this sentence did make him a bit dastardly.

When a son really blames his father, he just can't let go, and he doesn't know how to communicate with his father.

In fact, Bilu is right, because he still has a father, so he can be willful, if...

He dare not think about it.

Huang Yize closed his eyes and leaned his head against Yun Bilu's neck.

Yun Bilu could feel his emotions, hugged his back, and accompanied him silently.

After a while, Huang Yize seemed to figure it out and said, "Girl, thank you."

Yun Bilu's eyes lit up, and then he sat up and said, "Huang Yize, if you really want to thank me, let me participate in the selection from the outsiders, OK?"

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