Xie Limo quickly turned on the bedside lamp, looked at Yun Bixue's pale face, and followed her tightly, grabbing her and said, "Axue, what's the matter? Is it uncomfortable? Or is it a dream?"

Yun Bixue stroked his forehead and shook his head, saying: "It's okay, maybe I was surprised."

Xie Limo looked at Yun Bixue like this, still worried, "Is there something to worry about, don't hide everything in your heart, tell me about it."

Yun Bixue leaned on Xie Limo's arms, allowing him to pat his back gently.

In fact, as long as Xie Limo's arms, she can have a strong sense of security.

Xie Limo has been comforting and talking in Yun Bixue's ear.

After a while, Yun Bixue recovered his heartbeat and got up from Xie Limo's arms and said, "I want to see the children."

"it is good."

Xie Limo also got up and accompanied Yun Bixue to the baby room.

Both walked lightly, fearing to wake up the two children.

At the door, after Yun Bixue opened the door, what did she see in amazement? Her son was kicking with his feet and hands.

Seemingly playing, in fact, look carefully, as if practicing boxing...

Yun Bixue almost exclaimed, she covered her mouth at once and looked back at Xie Limo.

Xie Limo touched Yun Bixue's head, his eyes fell on his son Ling Ye.

Yun Bixue thought, could this child be a genius?

After watching it for a while, I found that the maid and the shadow guard who were looking after them seemed to be used to it.

The two watched for more than ten minutes, and found that the child had never stopped, stroking with both hands stretched, just like stretching his fists.

The small fist is also extremely tight.

Of course the two daughters are sleeping soundly.

In the past, Yun Bixue always felt that her daughter was happy and her son was quiet.

Looking at the two children, Yun Bixue became more and more at ease. The feeling of just waking up seemed to have forgotten, and there was a bright smile on his face.

At this time, Xie Limo deliberately opened the door. As soon as the door made a noise, the son stopped moving and became quiet. He even closed his eyes.

Yun Bixue opened his mouth wide, feeling a little weird.

Xie Limo walked in, hugged his son directly, took his little hand, and gently shook, "Boy, don't pretend to sleep when you wake up."

Yun Bixue kept looking at his son and found that as soon as Xie Limo said this, his son really opened his eyes.

Yun Bixue smiled happily, and then took his little hand to kiss, "It turns out that Ling Ye can understand our words."

Yun Bixue was very happy. The child's cleverness, she would not think too much, she would only be happy for the child.

Ling Ye is relatively quiet on weekdays, and at this time he also babbled his two hands.

Xie Limo gently hugged him and coaxed softly, "Ling Ye, you are still young, you need to sleep more, you can rest well and grow your body."

In this way, Xie Limo patted Ling Ye gently while walking, coaxing him to sleep.

Yun Bixue looked beside him, looking at Xie Limo with bright eyes, only to feel that he couldn't describe his charm at this time.

Looking at it, Yun Bixue thought, how good it would be if he held her and coaxed her.

I felt that being hugged by him like this was absolutely the happiest thing.

But another thought, she was his favorite person, and a sweet feeling spread in her heart.

Xie Limo looked down at Ling Ye and fell asleep, turned his head to look at Yun Bixue again, and found that his wife was nymphophobia to herself!

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