Hearing Yun Bixue's words, Xie Limo's heart became soft, and his expression was also serene and elegant in the gorgeous.

Listening to her voice, you can feel that she is still around.

Otherwise, he is always unreliable and will care about her all day long, but he will not say to call her from time to time to follow her.

Xie Limo has been adhering to the principle that when Yun Bixue needs him, he is there.

If she is busy, he will wait silently.

It is an absolute warm man.

This is what he has been so silently pampering and indulging, making Yun Bixue love him more and more.

Talking, Yun Bixue didn't hear Xie Limo's voice, looked at the phone, or on the phone, she said with a lip: "Li Mo, are you listening?"

"I am listening."

"Then why don't you talk?"

Xie Limo's mouth twitched, "I want to hear from you."

Yun Bixue dragged his face and said, "I want to hear from you, I want to hear from you."

Xie Limo spoiled and said: "What do you want to hear?" It seems that as long as Yun Bixue wants to hear, he will say.

Yun Bixue suddenly came to spirit, "What are you doing today, did you sleep last night? How about the two children? Are there any troubles, I miss them all."

When I think of the two children, Yun Bixue is all in their minds, and they are very tight in their hearts. They dreamed of them last night.

Before becoming a parent, you really don't know the mood of being a parent.

Just now, she took out her mobile phone and looked at their photos. It seems that she hasn't taken a family portrait since she gave birth to a child!

When you go back this time, you must take a photo, so that you can take it out and look forward to the feelings of missing at any time in the future.

Yun Bixue asked a lot of questions at once, and Xie Limo just listened patiently.

Knowing her mood, Xie Limo then said to her sentence by sentence: "I didn’t go out today, I just watched two children at home. The two children are fine, but I see them blinking, they should miss you too, so I will take I coaxed them out of your photos, but I didn't make a noise. I slept last night."

After finishing, Xie Limoning said: "Axue, how is your body? Is there any discomfort?"

For Xie Limo, the only thing he was worried about was Yun Bixue's physical condition. The medical doctor had not been well. He also sent many people to find people who can treat strange diseases, but there has been no news.

"I don't feel any discomfort. You and your two children should be well. Wait for me to go back."

"it is good."

After speaking, both of them were silent. At this time, for them, nothing could express that kind of inner feelings.

Really understand how to miss, only then understand how grieving this feeling.

Yun Bixue looked at the phone and said: "Li Mo, I want to see you." She just wanted to see him, just looking at the photos couldn't solve the pain of Acacia.

"Okay, I opened the video." He also wanted to watch her.

In this way, the two opened the video, and they could clearly see each other on the phone.

Xie Limo also put the two children beside him, and then talked to Yun Bixue, "Did you see?"

Yun Bixue nodded vigorously and looked, her eyes were red, especially the two children screamed excitedly and waved their little hands.

She really wanted to hug them. She was so young that she had been away for two days. I missed it so much.

Xie Limo could clearly see Yun Bixue's look, especially her red eyes, and felt a pain in her heart.

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