Yun Bixue's expression was gentle and her smile was extremely gentle and splendid. At this moment, she seemed to be shining brightly.

Xie Limo looked beside him, and his heart fell into place, as if the shock and dream had just happened.

No one knows that Xie Limo just sweated all over his body, and his white shirt was soaked with sweat.

Looking at Yun Bixue who was so happy in front of the children, Xie Limo's sinking complexion was a little more beautiful.

Xie Limo thought to himself that he would let the children stay with Yun Bixue more in the future, and he was determined to see her look better.

A few days ago, he was always worried that coaxing a child to hug a child would cause Yun Bixue to hardly let her intervene. It seems wrong now.

Xie Limo caressed Yun Bixue's hair and said, "I'll take a bath and the two children will be handed over to you."

Yun Bixue nodded with a smile, "Relax, I will take good care of them."

Xie Limo understands that sometimes responsibility makes a person stronger and makes a person look more refreshed.

When he walked out of the divided room, Xie Limo asked in peace: "Something, just call me, I'm right next to the bathroom, you call me, I can hear."

Yun Bixue waved his hand and said: "You go to wash, I'm fine, don't treat me like a child."

Xie Limo smiled and walked out of the room with a sigh, then took the changed clothes to the bathroom.

After a while, Yun Bixue's cell phone rang.

After Yun Bixue heard the motion, he stopped for a while, and then gently put the child down to pick up the phone.

Recently, her mobile phone was held by Xie Limo. On weekdays, he helped answer the phone to see if there was anything.

Therefore, the mobile phone is not beside Yun Bixue, but on the coffee table in the living room.

But now Xie Limo is taking a bath, only she can pick it up.

But Yun Bixue just walked out of the bedroom under the ground and fell with a touch.

As soon as Xie Limo heard the sound of falling, he had no time to put on his clothes, and he ran out directly, seeing Yun Bixue lying on the ground, his face was white.

Xie Limo hugged Yun Bixue in a hug, and his distressed hearts were all painful.

"Axue, Axue, how are you doing? Is there any discomfort?"

The two children were crying on Kang and seemed to know that their mother had fallen.

Xie Limo ignored the two children and hugged Yun Bixue directly. "How?"

Yun Bixue was just dizzy and had dark eyes, so she fainted, but she fell her arm and her head was okay.

Since Yun Bixue was stunned for the first time, Xie Limo made the villas covered with thick carpets. This time it really worked. Yun Bixue did not suffer any injuries.

But Xie Limo was still frightened.

When Yun Bixue raised her head, she saw that Xie Limo had only wrapped a towel at the key, and the rest did not wear anything. She blushed a little bit.

"Li Mo,"

Xie Limo didn't know, so he thought Yun Bixue was uncomfortable, but when he saw Yun Bixue's blush, especially when her hand gently poked her belly and her eyes fluttered, Xie Limo understood.

He smiled softly and bowed his head in Yun Bixue's ear, said: "Axue, it's not that I haven't seen it."

Yun Bixue's face was as thoroughly cooked as it was red.

Yun Bixue knew that she had been touched by her own Mr. Xie. When the two were passionate, they were naturally honest with each other, but this unexpected visual impact would still make her heart beat faster.

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