Everything was going on in a hidden way. While the people in the imperial capital were still asleep, Xie Limo, with his wife and children, and all the shadow guards, began to divide their troops, set up various barriers, and then went in different directions.

The last place where everyone meets is Country X, but before that, in order to prevent being targeted, we still made sufficient preparations.

Air, sea and land, three modes of transportation.

Xie Limo took Yun Bixue in a car, a very ordinary car, no different, as Xie Limo said, the most common and safest.

Ying Wei drove the car, Xie Limo held Yun Bixue's hand in the back seat, and touched her forehead. "Anything uncomfortable?"

Yun Bixue shook his head, "The spirit is pretty good today."

"But you slept a little less last night, lean on my lap and sleep again!"

With that said, Xie Limo patted his leg.

Yun Bixue looked at the bloodshot eyes in Xie Limo's eyes and said, "Did you stay up all night last night?"

"I will sleep for a while, don't worry."

Yun Bixue grabbed Xie Limo and said, "You are leaning on my lap to sleep for a while. I still have to rely on you along the way. If you are tired, what should I do?"

This sentence made Xie Limo's heart quicken.

Xie Limo smiled softly: "I'm afraid to press my wife, there is a chair back behind, I just lean on the chair back."

Seeing that Xie Limo wanted to rest, Yun Bixue was relieved.

It was really like looking at Xie Limo's tired look, and she was crying in pain.

She wanted to help him, but didn't know how to do it.

But she understands that only when she is completely healthy can Xie Limo not worry so much.

Not long after Xie Limo took Yun Bixue away, a group of Qiao Zhuangru killers entered their imperial villa.

"Boss, what's going on? Feeling alone?"

"Don't be blinded, don't forget this mission."

"Xie Shao is such a powerful person, it is impossible to win."

"Even so, they can't let the children go."

"It is true that there are children's cries in the house."

"Give me in..."


When people entered the villa one after another, they went towards the room where the baby cried. When they opened the door and found out that it was just a player, they understood it and fell in love.

But it was too late at this time, and the entire villa, as well as the surrounding land, exploded continuously.

Most of the people sent by the elders were buried in this explosion.

The sound of this explosion was very loud, and it alarmed everyone, awakening the people of the Imperial City from their sleep.

Everyone looked at the smoke in the northern sky and was a little surprised.

King Kang and King Huang even sent people to check and mobilize their troops to find out why.

Although Xia Junzihao is still young, he has experienced so many things recently and has his own thinking ability.

No one told him what happened, but he heard someone talking.

"Unexpectedly, the Minister of State and his family were buried in the villa."

"I don't know how it exploded."

"That is, will anyone do it on purpose."

"Who knows, I heard that Xie Shao and the children of Longfeng are very cute and beautiful."

"Hey, it's a pity that Xie Shao and Mrs. Shao are such good people."


When Haoer listened, the little child's face was white. He thought of Sister Zhen, feeling so sad, so sad, and ran out after pulling his leg.

Still the people in the palace saw it and quickly stopped Haoer.

"Monarch, it's dangerous outside now, you can't go out!"

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