On this way, Yun Bixue was enduring, and now she and Xie Limo are the only ones she can't help but can only hug him and cry.

Although Yun Bixue said that she was crying, she was sobbing gently, but her tears were flowing.

Yun Bixue's tears soon soaked in Xie Limo's clothes.

Xie Limo looked at Yun Bixue crying, caught a little bit off guard, and even chaotic.

"Axue, don't cry, don't cry... what's wrong?"

Every time Yun Bixue cried, his heart hurt.

In particular, her tears soaked through his clothes, and at the chest, his heart seemed to be pressed against a rock, dull.

Xie Limo patted Yun Bixue's back gently and wiped her tears in a hurry.

"Don't cry, your body is not good, you can't cry."

Xie Limo's voice showed pity and distress, and Yun Bixue cried even more.

Xie Limo could only hold Yun Bixue in the end, rubbing his head with one hand. He was very distressed, but he didn't know what to do.

Yun Bixue cried for a while, and quickly wiped away her tears.

She looked at Xie Limo in fright, and felt a little guilty in her heart, "Li Mo, I'm sorry to worry you."

"Fool, just don't cry."

With that, Xie Limo bowed her head and kissed Yun Bixue's tears.

Yun Bixue's mind only changed, and she felt that she should be content. Xie Limo had been with her all the time.

She used to be tempered occasionally, a little temperament, he spoiled her, never had impatient.

"Li Mo, wait for me to be better. It's good for you to change me."

Xie Limo felt warm in his heart and said with pity: "Fool, you are very good to me on weekdays, you don't know how good you are."

Yun Bixue pouted, "Am I really stupid?"

Xie Limo was still distressed. Hearing Yun Bixue's self-doubt, he laughed and gently flicked her forehead. "My Axue is the smartest, eh?"

"I remember when we were together, you still thought my emotional intelligence was low."

Although Yun Bixue said so, the sweet radian of the corner of his mouth could not be concealed.

Xie Limo thought about it and smiled softly, "At that time, you did have a low EQ. Others bullied you like that, and didn't know to fight back."

Yun Bixue took the initiative to hug Xie Limo, "Fortunately, there is you."

"Well, I won't let anyone bully you. My Axue should be carefree and happy."

Although I don't know what will happen in front of me and whether I will see the strange doctor smoothly, but the two of them rarely talk about the relaxed topic, and the heavy feeling in each other's heart can be reduced.

Yun Bixue looked at Xie Limo deeply, and said, "Li Mo, do you know? In fact, I could not cry, but in front of my beloved one, people are always vulnerable and emotional. Vent out."

Xie Limo raised her eyebrows and looked at Yun Bixue.

Yun Bixue continued: "Well, I will explain to you, because you are by my side, I will cry out the emotion of forbearance, crying is actually a way of venting."

"Well, you can only cry to me, but you won't cry anymore, eh?"

"Well, I only cry when I'm sad. I just couldn't bear to leave the children."

Xie Limo touched Yun Bixue's hair and said, "Actually, I am reluctant, but Bai Yaoyao and Duan Yanhao will take care of them. Now, for me, Axue, you are the most important."

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