In Xie Limo's heart, he is a man. Since Yun Bixue was willing to follow him at the earliest, he has the responsibility and obligation to protect her from any harm.

But he felt that he was not doing well enough. Thinking, Xie Limo held Yun Bixue's arms tight.

"Li Mo, in fact, I still feel a little sudden."

Xie Limo was still good-tempered and asked softly, "Why is it sudden?"

"You said that where we live suddenly exploded, what would everyone think? Especially our friends and family, I don't know if they can accept it."

They left the imperial capital silently. They didn't reveal any news to anyone. I don't know if those people would be sad. They thought she and Xie Limo had just disappeared in the explosion.

Xie Limo said warmly: "My wife is still used to being so worried and so kind."

She thought of the reactions of those friends and relatives.

No matter how many things his Axue has experienced, he still retains his original heart and innocence and kindness, which is the most beautiful inner he saw in her at the beginning.

Of course, he also hoped that she would be more indifferent and think more for herself.

"Li Mo, I mean, do you think we are dead?"

Xie Limo pretended to be angry: "Nonsense, don't think about it, but everyone who knows us knows that we must have left the villa, and if we can be buried in the explosion, we will not be safe all the time. ."

"You seem to be right."

Xie Limo continued to patiently appease: "And if there is a bit of power, a little ability, a little check can find out that the villa has blown up a lot of people. Those people should be well-trained killers, and they can think about the problem. ."

Soon Yun Bixue wanted to understand the ins and outs, and after thinking clearly, she had to admire Xie Limo's insights and plans.

In this way, it can be regarded as a countermeasure, and through this explosion, they disappeared in the sight of everyone in Country A, which is equivalent to walking away.

Yun Bixue looked at Xie Limo's eyes and brought a gleam of light.

Xie Limo looked at Yun Bixue with such a spirited look and patted her on the back. It was a silent reassurance. With some plans and arrangements, he wanted to let her know that she would guess in a word.

After all, his wife is also very smart, isn't he?

Yun Bixue seemed to think of something, and asked: "Oh, the remaining killers that were not affected by the explosion, why have the whole army wiped out, is it someone who helped us?"

"Perhaps, don't think about it, take a good night's sleep, and later in the forest, you can't drive in, you can only walk."

In fact, Xie Limo, according to Yingwei's report, can guess that it is likely that the subordinates of the Black Dragon Party helped.

That day he hung up Huang Yize's phone, he would definitely want to know everything about Bilu anxiously, and it was not impossible to come to the emperor himself.

However, this series of events also shows that Huang Yize may really care about Bilu girl.

All exceeded his imagination.

He can only say that Huang Yize is too young and has love in his heart but does not know how to deal with it and how to express it.

But emotional matters can only be handled by the parties themselves.

In fact, he didn't know how to express it at first, but most of his thoughts were on his wife Yun Bixue, who had a lot of patience and observation, and later gradually used to take care of her and express some thoughts.

Like the rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife please collect: ( The rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife's literary update is the fastest.

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