Xiao Nan's temper was mild, but he was also staring at Huang Yize. It seemed that he was staring at a hole without answering.

Huang Yize's aura is very large, even if he just stands here quietly, no matter the height or momentum, the three people who can press can't breathe.

But the three men had great courage to be friends and roommates.

Huang Yize looked at the three people anxiously, with some emotion, Bilu had friends who cared about her like that, it was also very good.

Although Huang Yize did not know how to explain it, he would not embarrass the three.

"Bilu didn't come back because of something, but don't worry about it."

The three looked at Huang Yize instead of lying, and asked some questions, and Huang Yize also answered patiently.

After appeasing the emotions of the three people, Huang Yize walked out of the teaching building.

As soon as he stepped out, he gave the proctor card to the chairman of the new student union.

At this time, Huang Yize's emotions were a bit out of control. He really did not expect that Yun Bilu didn't even come to the exam.

Looking at the expression of Huang Yize coming out from the left, he didn’t dare to step forward, fearing that the fire would burn on him. With his understanding of the young master, the young master was really angry, looking at that complexion, and that look , As if hiding the Arctic glaciers, the cold around is whizzing.

But Zuo Yi did not dare to step forward, because now the young master must order what he will do.

"Young Master, what did you tell me?"

Huang Yize glanced lightly at the left one, just a glance, left one felt his little heart almost stopped beating.

Huang Yize squeezed his brow hard, as if trying to suppress something.

But the young master was trying to suppress something, and the first one on the left looked at the heart with pressure.

Huang Yize finally sighed for a long time, "Forget it, you help me go to the principal and dean to see if there are any special regulations for this exam."

The first one on the left understands that if there are special regulations, it may be related to Yun Yun.

The result from the first inquiry from the left is that the school has regulations that students who have not taken the exam under special circumstances can make up for the exam when the school starts in the second year of spring.

Upon hearing this news, Huang Yize's heart sank.

He felt his heart was broken. Wait, wait, patience seems to be smoothed out.

He covered his heart and really wanted Bilu. He even thought that if Yun Bilu was now in front of him, he wished she could let her take her heart out.

This ruthless girl!

Does she miss him?

After calming down his emotions, Huang Yize said lightly: "You sent someone to secretly check, there is no clue to the people who contacted the principal and the dean during this time."

"Yes!" Zuo Yi knew that the young master would be a good man if he didn't become a demon, and he wouldn't let it go even with a little clue and news.

The first one on the left is used to the young master's treatment.

Huang Yize is not willing to stay on campus, because there is no Yun Bilu, and there are Yun Bilu everywhere on the campus, he will have hallucinations.

So he left quickly.

"Huang Yize, Huang Yize, wait a minute..."

Huang Yize listened to this voice, and there was a touch in his heart, trance thought that it was Bilu's voice, as if the two were on campus.

She would always chase behind and call him.

Huang Yize's heart began to beat violently, then suddenly turned to look.

When he saw the person in front of him, Huang Yize frowned and turned away without thinking.

"Huang Yize, do you think Bilu is calling you?"

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