Dean Fan turned pale, looked at her daughter's red and purple neck, and then looked at her compared with a knife and a gun, and asked, "You... what do you want to do?"

Thinking of him as the dean of the School of Economics and Management of Norbia University, who did not give him some respect, why had he received such treatment.

Fan Jiaojiao was still shouting in fear, " me..."

Dean Fan was about to call, and the clothes button in Huang Yize's hand slammed into Dean Fan's arm. His arm felt numb and the phone fell to the ground.

Huang Yize said leisurely: "President Fan seems to be dissatisfied with me and has doubts, but you can ask your good daughter how to stop me."

Huang Yize was calm and indifferent from beginning to end, very plain, and seemed to have nothing in his eyes.

He was close to Dean Fan, he was trembling, looking at his daughter, "What the **** is going on?"

And Huang Yize turned the chair next to him, sat on it, and then tilted his legs, his long legs moved gracefully, looking in the eyes of others, but his heart grew cold.

Dean Fan knew his daughter, even if she was lawless, she even wanted to hook up with Huang Yize.

Even the principal had to give Huang Yize some face, how could his identity background be low.

"Dad, Dad, I...I didn't do anything...Dad, you must save me...cough cough cough cough..."

Fan Jiaojiao shouted in his throat, but as soon as he tried hard, his throat started to hurt.

The sound is hoarse and unpleasant.

Huang Yize glanced lightly, and Ying Wei took the knife from his arms and placed it on Fan Jiaojiao's face. "If you don't say anything, don't cooperate, and waste our time, your face won't be necessary."

The woman cares most about her appearance, Fan Jiaojiao trembles with fear, "I...say...I say...cough..."

"Come on, we are impatient."

Fan Jiaojiao felt the muzzle of the temple, and the cold dagger across her face, she could feel the heart almost stopped beating.

"Dad, tell him...whoever saw you that night and said, they will let me go."

Dean Fan looked at his daughter in shock, ""

In the end, he said angrily: "You are just arrogant, what can you say, what can't you say, don't you know?"

Fan Jiaojiao also said hard, "That is not as important as your daughter."

Dean Fan wanted to slap his daughter's face in anger, but he couldn't get close, so he was angry.

Annoyed and began to cough.

Huang Yize looked at the fire, and then said quietly: "President Fan, at this point, don't you say it? You know, I have no patience!"

Dean Fan sat on the chair and shook his head sullenly. After a while, he could only say: "I have full control over the examination rules of the School of Management, but the night before, I was going to sleep, but someone Entering my house, my heart almost jumped out."

When Huang Yize heard this, he narrowed his eyes and said nothing.

Dean Fan continued to recall: "I clearly remember that I locked the door, but I didn't know how that person came in. I was surprised at that time, but the person calmed me and said that I just set a new test rule. ."

"I didn't think much at the time, it was just the rules of the exam, it was nothing, but it was strange why he ran it specifically and said that, and that person really looks mysterious."

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