Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie’s Dearest Beloved Wife

Chapter 2043: Can't help getting angry

Because this forest has no flat roads at all, it is all mountain roads, and there are many trees, so the vehicles cannot enter at all, and everyone can only walk on foot.

Since entering Linzi, Xie Limo will be carrying Yun Bixue.

Yun Bixue insisted on going stubbornly. She didn't want to be tired of Xie Limo.

"Axue, obedient, I'll carry you."

"Li Mo, I said, I'm fine, I can walk by myself now, and I'm not tired, I haven't walked a few steps, not so coquettish, okay?"

Xie Limo regarded her as a fragile doll, which made her a headache, so she was patient and reasoned with him.

Xie Limo wanted to refute it, but watching Yun Bixue swollen his cheeks, showing a firm gaze, it seemed that he could not do it without agreement.

Xie Limo can only nod, "Well, if you are tired, you must tell me, and walking in the forest, you must hold my hand."

"Well, rest assured."

Part of the shadow guard was exploring the way in the front and part was in the back. Xie Limo took Yun Bixue's hand in the middle, and a group of people walked quietly towards the forest.

The further you go, the less snowflakes.

"Li Mo, don't you think it's weird? How do you go in, the snow is less?"

Xie Limo comforted Yunbi Xue said: "Don't worry, it won't be a problem."

Xie Limo said, holding Yun Bixue's hand tight.

Yun Bixue said, "I remember before I came in, the villagers outside said that this was a forest of death. No one could explore. Many people couldn't get out after entering. The villagers didn't go inside to hunt."

Xie Limo turned back and smiled warmly at Yun Bixue, "Are you afraid?"

Yun Bixue shook his head, "Naturally, I'm not afraid, and the more mysterious things I feel, the more I want to connect with science. There must be a solution to this, or there should be a gossip burst."

Xie Limo nodded, pointed to the top of his head, and said, "Did you see it? The breath inside is also different, and there is a mist covering the top of the head."

"Poison gas?"

"Good, but we take poison medicine before we come, so these gases don't work."

"There should still be beasts here."

Xie Limo paused and said: "According to the map given by Huang Yize, this is the most correct route. If you follow the burst center, you will not encounter beasts or hallucinations."

Yun Bixue said with emotion: "I don't know how Huang Yize saw the magician at that time, it was quite coincidental."

"I think maybe not only the Divine Doctor, but the final location of this map may also be the place where the hermit family lives."

Yun Bixue opened his mouth in surprise, "Is it so?"

"My guess is this."

Yun Bixue is always physically weak, and after a day, she is really tired.

But in order not to let Xie Limo find out, in order not to delay the trip, she clenched her teeth and insisted, saying nothing.

When Xie Limo felt the palm of his hand was wet, he found Yun Bixue's face pale.

He almost irritated: "Don't you tell you? If you feel uncomfortable, you must tell me, why are you so stubborn?"

Xie Limo looked at Yun Bixue like this, and it was painful and angry, but he could only hold her tightly, but still couldn't fire.

"I'm fine."

Xie Limo almost couldn't help but shouted, "You are all like this, and bravely said that it's okay. We are here to treat you. If you make a mistake halfway, what should you do?"

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