Ji Qiongxin felt that Yun Bixue was right and could indeed be burned with fire.

She found that her daughter-in-law was really courageous and much more courageous than her. She did things decisively and did not hesitate to make up her mind.

Ji Qiongxin and Yun Bixue discussed it, and she quickly took out the entire map of Xie's headquarters and began to explain to Yun Bixue the layout and sphere of influence of Xie's entire day after day.

"This is the elder's home, this is their residence, this, this... these are the twelve churches... this is the main gate of the four gates... here is where the family members of the Xie's family live together..."

Ji Qiongxin said, Yun Bixue quickly wrote down in her mind, the map and the distribution were all printed in her mind.

Originally Yun Bixue's memory was good, but this time since her body was completely cured, she has never forgotten.

The map is completely clear in my mind.

After Ji Qiongxin completely finished speaking, he was a little dry.

In fact, Yun Bixue was a little surprised inside. She didn't expect the scope and strength of Xie's headquarters to be so great. If the power is concentrated, the surname of Xie's can't be shaken.

Such a huge one, thanks to Cangyao and Ji Qiongxin, even if there are more shadow guards, they cannot concentrate all their rights. With the changes of the times, the once loyal and ardent people will inevitably have strong ambitions.

Even if many people are loyal to the head of the family, this may not be the case in private.

Ji Qiong heart sighed: "Bixue, you are right, not broken, Xie's looks very big, but in fact it is just a piece of sand."

"Therefore, my mother does not have to be sad. She has to give up what she has to do. Only in this way can Xie's seek better development."

Ji Qiong nodded tiredly. "It's true, but I and your father thought too much about it. In every aspect, I was more afraid that once the Xie's internal strife, the major forces in the unknown states would take the opportunity to destroy Xie's and take Metabolism. "

Yun Bixue looked, "Mother is afraid that Xie's disappeared completely?"

"Millennium Thousands, your father and I do not want to be sinners, and once a decision is made, there will be countless deaths and injuries."

Yun Bixue was deep in heart. If she used to be kind and soft-hearted, she could understand the feelings of Xie Cangyao and Ji Qiongxin about Xie's family.

But she didn't. For Xie Limo, she didn't care about getting blood on her hands. Besides, in such a severe situation, either you died or I lived.

Since this is a choice, it must be to protect Xie Limo and his relatives.

A large family, a decision will lead to countless follow-up problems, "Has the mother ever thought that if it does not move, Xie's wounded will be more people, those shadow guards who are actually killers, but only act on their orders, but It was sent to death, many people were used by ambitious people, and many family members lost their loved ones. This is a painful thing, but once the Xie family is in a clear world, it will bless everyone."

Ji Qiong's heart changed and a bright light flashed in her eyes. She held Yun Bixue's hand and said, "It's my mother's short-sightedness."

Yun Bixue shook his head, "Mother, it's not too late, everything is just right, and this time, it's not the infighting that we took the lead in."


The two began to secretly mobilize the Shadow Guard and assign them tasks. The only task tonight was to set fire to chaos.

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