Xie Cangyao patted his son's shoulder. "Father believes in you too. We have a good rest in the afternoon and we are ready to act according to the situation tonight."

Xie Limo's expression condensed, he must naturally be prepared, if Yun Bixue is really ready for action, then he is also worried that she will be injured and in danger.

He still cared about her body, not sure if it was completely good.

Worrying about Yun Bixue on weekdays, as long as she thinks of her, she will involuntarily think in her mind.

Lying in thatched grass, Xie Limo rested quietly with his eyes closed. He needed a good rest to replenish his energy. When he came, he brought a lot of compressed biscuits for a few days.

In fact, there were also small and large wounds on his body, which were all simply cleaned by himself, but carrying it for a long time is indeed easy to wear off the spirit of people.

So he needs to rest.

Xie Limo didn't dare to really fall asleep when she was lying on the thatched grass and resting, because there were people staring at them secretly inside the dark hall.

Those people were afraid of being killed by him before, so they did not dare to attack rashly, but if he fell asleep, it would not necessarily be.

Therefore, Xie Limo is all asleep.

Because of this, since Xie Limo came into the dark hall, he has not really rested for many days. He is indeed supporting himself by his spiritual strength.

Because he must hold on to protect his father.

Sure enough, Xie Limo didn't sleep long before the secret killer attacked Xie Limo and Xie Cangyao.

When someone quietly wanted to pierce Xie Limo with a knife, Xie Limo suddenly opened his eyes, and his sharp and sharp eyes shot at the person.

With such sharp eyes, the killer holding the knife shivered, before he could continue to stab. Xie Limo rolled over and slender legs kicked suddenly. With a "touch", the killer fell to the ground instantly.

Then, Xie Limo came to his father, helped him all the killers, and furiously fought back.

In a few minutes, more than a dozen killers were killed again.

The people in the secret looked at this scene and shuddered in the dark. They did not expect that these days, Xie Limo's combat power is still so strong.

In fact, when Xie Limo first came in, the organs could not kill, and these killers could only shoot.

At the beginning, they were assassinated continuously, almost without a rest for a whole day, they took turns to hand, but Xie Limo was fighting alone, stunned all the people who shot.

It was also the day of the killing that made these killers feel a chill when they saw Xie Limo.

They did not dare to rush, so every time they found a time, but every time they ended up with a complete military annihilation.

They knew that Xie Limo could not be killed, only to drag him. Their top killers of thousands of people were in this dark hall, and the number was getting smaller, and now there are dozens of people left.

From the perspective of the strong, although they are killers, they admire Xie Limo, the heir, from the bottom of their hearts, but from a hostile point of view, they will still tremble involuntarily when they see Xie Limo.

It is because he is too strong.

After solving this wave of assassinations, Xie Limo immediately sat down, gasped and regained his spirit.

Xie Cangyao looked at his son worriedly, and his eyes were red. He distressed his son. For the responsibility of the Xie family, his son had suffered from the hardships of ordinary people since childhood.

Xie Cangyao knows his son. He can see that Xie Limo's spirit is not very good.

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