Xie Limo also knows that other families in an unknown state may also be troubled by Xie's family. When the time comes, he will not have to go to the blood shadow.

In fact, Xie Limo is also thinking about taking the plan into consideration, so that some people with chaotic minds can clearly understand the situation and understand the importance of family cohesion.

And when they are stubborn, Xie Limo will go back, and then it is the hope of the public.

I have to say that almost all arrangements and plans of Xie Limo are seamless.

He is used to putting everything in the front. Of course, if something is too sudden, he will quickly calculate it according to the situation.

His IQ and ability are so strong, of course, he is accustomed to low-key and restrained, so no one knows.

But even the most powerful person has weaknesses. Xie Limo's family is his weakness, so this time Xie Limo is in danger. He has no choice, because he has no choice, even if it is dangerous, he must save his father.

Just like Yun Bixue, Xie Limo must be saved no matter how dangerous.


A few days later

In a small mountain village in country M, the Xie Limo family now lives in such a small mountain village, because the Chinese New Year is coming, the village is filled with a festive atmosphere, every family hangs red lanterns, buys new year products, writes couplets, Fortunately, it was posted on the door on the 30th day of the twelfth lunar month.

Yun Bixue now wears the simplest cotton coat and goes to the market to buy some new year goods with the aunt next door.

Fortunately, I went to the village where Su Lenghan was with Xie Limo before. I knew a little about the village and learned to greet the villagers.

The folklore here is the simplest, and it can make people's minds relax. There is no calculation, only enthusiasm.

When approaching the door of the house, Yun Bixue said cheerfully with the basket: "Mom, Li Mo, I am back."

In order not to be confusing in the village, this family name is also popular in the village.

Ji Qiongxin is now drying the quilt in the yard and patting it gently with a coat hook.

Hearing Yun Bixue's voice, he hurried over from the quilt, "Tired, come home and rest."

In fact, the second day Ji Qiongxin came here, he completely fell in love with it, and his mood was particularly good.

Before, she hoped to live a simple two-person life with Xie Cangyao. Without so much complexity, it would be simple for their family.

This is fine now.

Xie Cangyao sat in a chair in the yard to bask in the sun, and looked at Yun Bixue, showing his loving light.

Xie Limo's physical trauma is relatively serious, and he rested in the room. He heard Yun Bixue's crisp and sweet voice from afar, and his heart also overflowed with warmth.

Yun Bixue said happily: "Mom, some people kill pigs and sheep today. They are all very fresh. I bought them in line there."

Ji Qiongxin quickly took the basket in Yun Bixue's hands and smiled: "The pigs and sheep in this village are all fed by everyone's own family, pure green, and eaten well."

Yun Bixue nodded, "Mom, how is Li Mo's body?"

Ji Qiongxin smiled and quipped: "This will disappear after a while, just thinking about it? Come in quickly, he thinks you have the same thoughts."

Yun Bixue's face was slightly reddish, but she ran into the house happily and saw that Xie Limo had sat up from the bed. She hugged him up and sniffed deeply the smell of his body. "It's really good. "

Xie Limo played a finger and flicked Yun Bixue's head, "Naughty, are you happy playing at the fair?"

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