This evening, also the first time after the two met, they chatted for nothing.

In fact, Yun Bixue asked this sentence, which is also a common thought of women, perhaps knowing clearly in her heart, but always thinking about asking, wanting to hear his answer.

Xie Limo gently stroked Yun Bixue's back, and his heart wave was very powerful. One turned and held Yun Bixue tightly, which was directly a kiss. This kiss was not domineering, but with deep affection, It seems to be smoothing the emotions in Yun Bixue's heart, and also seems to be telling Yun Bixue's own answer in this way.

Yun Bixue's tremor twitched in Xie Limo's kiss. She seemed to feel his strong thoughts and feelings.

She even felt his breath.

The breath between each other was intertwined, and Yun Bixue's breathing was a little severe.

I don't know how long it took before Xie Limo let Yun Bixue go, saying softly and affectionately: "Do you know if I miss you now?"

Yun Bixue quickly buried his head on Xie Limo's chest, preventing him from seeing his blushing expression.

Xie Limo caressed Yun Bixue's hair, "You should know, how much I miss you, I missed it very much, my heart hurts."

With that said, Xie Limo held Yun Bixue's hand at the position of his heart.

Yun Bixue could feel the pounding sound of the palm of his hand, as well as the sound in his ear, which was so clear and clearly passed to her.

Yun Bixue felt that his heart was beating faster.

She looked up at Xie Limo again, and the deep feeling in her eyes was filled with deep thoughts and deep regrets, and her eyes were so obvious. After seeing this, she felt that her heart began to jump.

Looking at the somewhat dazed Yun Bixue, Xie Limo smiled and said: "Fool, ask me this again, you know how much I miss you."

The feeling of heartache of thinking, the feeling of sleepless nights, he never wanted to realize it, just wanted to grab her, hug her, stay by the side, and watch it all the time.

Even in her sleep, she was in her dreams.

When he came out of the dark hall, he thought in his heart that at that time, she jumped down with him regardless of her, and grabbed his scene, he had a feeling of suffocation.

In his heart, he blamed himself.

But in the same way, he was glad that he was still alive and could love her well when he was alive. That kind of thrilling scene, he did not worry, but he realized afterwards, how could he be willing to leave her alone!

His Axue, he was reluctant, really reluctant, so he made up his mind to remove all dangers, and no one could threaten them with any force.

Yun Bixue hugged Xie Limo's neck tightly. "I miss you too, just thinking of seeing you as soon as possible. At that time, I felt my heart wouldn't jump."


"I’m telling you this, it’s not that I’m sorry, I just want to tell you, I miss you, just like you, so next time, we have to be together no matter what the situation. Okay, that’s my fault, I won’t do that again.”

Hearing Yun Bixue's review, Xie Limo looked at her and hugged her more tightly, "It's not your fault, I didn't protect you."

The thrill of that day, Xie Limo actually did not want to recall, mainly because of the deep feeling of powerlessness that he thought of that day, he thought it was his negligence.

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