Shui Qianqin was tossed and turned, and for the first time realized that the original appearance was calm, and the light and breezy Rong Jin was so powerful, just like the wild wolf who had been hungry for a long time.

He is too strong, too much in that respect, and she is too *** perpetually sweating Rong Jin, his low voice fell on her ears, "It's really a goblin, a goblin..."

The voice is low and hoarse, with temptation, but also has the ultimate freedom and tolerance.

Shui Qianqian felt that she had been floating in the clouds, the feeling of tossing and dying alive, the pain at the beginning gradually dissipated, but there was only an unclear and unclear joy.

She has never felt this way before, so she can still be so happy.

But the tears in the corner of the eyes could not be covered, and the tears were kissed by Rong Jin.

Rong Jin seemed to have been doing fish for a long, long time. After encountering the water, the whole person came alive, swimming very fast and violently, so he didn't want to stop.

"Woo... Rong Jin... Hao Rong Jin..." Shui Qian Qian Jiao pleaded slightly for mercy, she was really weak, and the whole body was as soft as a puff of water.

Because Rong Jin was too fierce, her fingernails were all scratching behind Rong Jin, and it was estimated that some places were stained by her blood, showing the fierce condition.

Such a flourishing, relying on him weakly, crying for mercy, even more stimulating Rong Jin blood veins.

He was a temperament that could endure and restraint, and any thoughts were hidden in his heart, and no one could spy on them.

But at this time, he was out of control for her, and the out of control was so powerful that even he couldn't stop, maybe he couldn't stop at all.

"Qianqian, Qinqian..." Rong Jin screamed in Shuiqianqin's ear, with a deep emotion in the dark, even more intoxicating.

Shui Qianqian knew that he was going to run out, but in a voice like his, he just thought he might sink with him.

She felt it for the first time too, so close to Rong Jin, she kissed his breath and could feel the emotion in his voice.

Many people say that in the bed, you can’t believe men’s words, but you don’t say that you can’t tell their emotions by voice.

For a long time, Rong Jin has given people the feeling of being light and breezy like a fairy, it seems elegant to be inaccessible, but now, she is very close to him, and has tried to lean in his arms countless times, hug Holding him.

It's really okay now, and Rong Jin, who is like a fairy, is losing control for her.

Shui Qianqin thought, gently smiling, with a bright color, very touching.

Although she was blindfolded and could not see Rong Jin's complexion, the more she felt, the more sensitive her senses were. She raised her head slightly and took the initiative to kiss, not knowing where the kiss was, but felt Rong Jin's body stiff , He seemed to breathe in her ears.

"Qianqin, it's really grinning..."

Rong Jin even spoke with a bite of teeth.

Shui Qianqian suddenly giggled and laughed, with a charming style, a soft and delicate smile, but let Rong Jin look away.

Shui Qianqin's sudden mischief thought, Rong Jin tossed her like this, she also tossed him.

The depression and small emotions in those days before, all flooded with water at this moment, she hugged Rong Jin hard, and then kissed indiscriminately.

The green muscles on Rong Jin's body were about to burst. He squeezed Shui Qiang's hands fiercely and gasped heavily: "Fairy!"

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