Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie’s Dearest Beloved Wife

Chapter 2137: Shrink the shell to protect yourself

Shui Qianqian loved Rongjin in her heart. This gentle voice was something she hadn't thought about before.

She used to think that as long as Rong Jin didn't be so indifferent to her and had a slightly better attitude, she never expected that he would treat her so tenderly one day.

He will also say such nice words.

No, wait, he said later? "Rong Jin, you... what do you mean?"

"Qianqian, I am your fiancé. We already have a marriage contract. I am not too young. It is almost thirty. Will you marry me?"

Shui Qianqin didn't respond for a while, how she tried Rong Jin before, how to ask him, he didn't agree.

But at this time, such a word suddenly emerged, which inevitably made Shui Qianqian think.

"Rong Jin, we are responsible for the emotional matters, but I hope my future marriage will be happy."

Rong Jin looked at Shui Qianqian with some pain, and said deeply: "Qianqian, don't you understand? Don't you understand my heart?"

Shui Qianqian was no longer sleepy. She took a few deep breaths and sighed, "Rong Jin, you don't have to lie to me."

Speaking, Shui Qianqian closed her eyes. She didn't want to see or listen. She was afraid that she would be confused and drunk for a while, and she would lose her instinctive rational response.

Instinct tells Shui Qianqian that Rong Jin is not normal at this time. If it is on a weekday, he will definitely not say such a thing.

And she did not believe that Rong Jin confided in her because of the impulse of the two of them.

She didn't believe it.

Because she had been deceiving herself for several years, she didn't wait for Rong Jin's response. At this time, did she believe it?

I told myself long ago that I couldn't be more affectionate, so Shui Qiang was instinctively escaping at this time, just like the turtle, locked in his protective shell.

Rong Jin looked at Shui Qianqian and knew what he said now, she would not believe it.

The corner of his mouth evoked an arc of self-deprecation, who could blame anyone, only him, because he was not good to her before, did not give her enough security, and did not let her build trust in herself.

Rong Jin looked at Shui Qianqin's tired look, and dared not force her anymore. He knew what to say now, and it might be useless. He could only hold her like this.

Rong Jin gently hugged Shui Qianqian, and also lay down with him, covering the two of them with quilts.

He knew that the water was tired and needed a sleep.

"Sleep, I will accompany you."

Rong Jin finished speaking softly and put a kiss on Shuiqianqian's forehead. This made her feel very comfortable in her arms. As long as she didn't avoid him, he would definitely let her belong to her.

He will treat her well, make up for it, he will give whatever she wants, he will present the best things in front of her.

Let her laugh and make her laugh.

At this time, Rong Jin just wanted to spoil Shui Qianqian.

Although he knew it was a little late, it was not too late to let him discover the truth of all this.

Thinking of everything in the past, Rong Jin clutched his heart and felt a terrible pain, but fortunately Qian Qian was still beside him, in his arms.

Others did not dare to think that if that year, she was expelled from country M, if she was gone in a foreign country, Rong Jin could not bear it at all, but she was still in her arms.

"Qianqian, I used to be bad. I will let you trust me."

Listening to these words, Shui Qianqin was sour in her heart that it was false to say that she couldn't move her heart, but she was sad too many times. Forgive her cowardice, she dared not, she instinctively shrunk the shell to protect herself.

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