Even if Rong Jin didn't want to, he could only follow the water and flourish and drive her back to Gongyuan.

Rong Jin was not at ease and asked all of them to take good care of the queen. If the queen had any abnormalities, he should report to him.

It is really Rong Jin who can't rest assured that the water is flourishing.

Shui Qianqin looked at Rong Jin with a smile: "You also go back to rest early, don't worry, it's getting late, I'll go to bed later."


Even if he was reluctant, Rong Jin left.

Returning to his villa, Rong Jin looked at the bed with red spots on it, and he treasured it carefully.

It was only one night that Rong Jin could hardly fall asleep again and again, and there seemed to be a flourishing breath in the room, which he could not ignore, but the effort of this meeting was so tight and missed so much.

He covered his heart and stood by the bed, breathing the outside air, letting the troubles out of his mind, but the figure in his mind was still flourishing.

He remembered many times before, mostly he restrained his emotions and ignored her feelings.

Qian Qian was actually lonely by herself. Because of the long-term loneliness and experience, she learned to endure. Many times he looked at her back and felt a little bleak, but at that time he did not know how to cherish.

Because he always felt that the flourishing sister saved him.

After all, Qianqian's sister can swim, and later Qianqian couldn't even touch the water.

Unexpectedly, he admitted the wrong person, so when he saw the scar, his heart was so chaotic and painful.

He hurt the girl who saved his life!

Whenever he thinks that his girl has suffered a lot, he was once expelled from the M country, and his heart was torn apart, and his self-blame even tortured him to sleep.

Perhaps only the girl who really owns him can redeem his heart.

"Qian Qian, are you asleep?" Rong Jin murmured to the moon, just experienced a affair, it is difficult to calmly restrain both body and mind.

But he still has to take it slowly.


Yun Bixue lay in bed in the middle of the night and poked Xie Limo's heart with his finger. "Do you think my method will work?"

Xie Limo looked at the energetic Yun Bixue and gently smiled: "Still worrying about others?"

"Yes, if that leftist really likes to flourish, he will definitely be able to force his feelings, and I am just worried..."

Xie Limo wrapped around Yun Bixue's body and said, "Don't worry about it."

"Hurry up, do you know something, can you tell what?"

Xie Limo sighed. In fact, at this time, he really doesn't like to discuss others with his wife, but his Axue worried, he puzzled her, "If it is to me, the left relative to the queen is emotional, It’s just that emotions are more restrained."

"If you really have feelings, it's not lukewarm to Qian Qian."

"There may be some misunderstandings. The authorities are confused by the bystanders. If they don't like it, they won't stay in the court hall and do their best to assist them. They also take care of meticulously on weekdays. ?"

Yun Bixue smiled happily, "You must be right, so I won't worry anymore."

Xie Limo turned over and gently stroked his wife's hair and said: "Since the lady is still so energetic, let's do something else!"

"Li Mo, uh..." This time, Yun Bixue's voice was swallowed by Xie Limo.

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