The reason why Gu Zhengxun said this was that the two children were very affectionate. He hoped that if there was a problem, the two would be able to face it, solve it, and not evade it.

Escape will always waste some time.

Listening to her master's words, Yun Bilu trembles, and her lips tremble. "Master, are you talking about true?"

"Well, the place where Master once trained, surrounded the kid and searched for a long time, but later everyone withdrew, it should be the order of Huang Yize's kid."

Yunbi outcrop was a bit chaotic, and she was a little confused. Huang Yize went to the martial arts hall where she once trained to find her?

Yun Bilu also knew Huang Yize a little bit. With his cleverness, since he found it there, he might be sure that he was here with Master.

Yun Bilu's panic and nervous emotions calmed down for a while, yes, since she has to face it, it's not a way to escape all the time, she always has to face it.

"Going to school, I think he will definitely find you."

"Master, why did you tell me this?"

Gu Zhengxun sighed: "You also know about me and your maid, so Master hopes you can calm down, but the girl is always a bit self-willed, too calm and rational, you will feel wronged."

Yun Bilu sniffed, "Master, you still know me."

"When I was young, I didn't understand anything at all. When I met your maid, I crossed the river by touching the stones. It was only later that I slowly understood the girl's ideas. , Too sensible, will only make people ignore your feelings and think you are invincible."

Yun Bilu was so comforted by Master, and he was in a much better mood. "Master, Master Niang should also be a particularly sensible person."

"Yeah, she never messed with me, making me always feel so reasonable. Many things don't need to be explained. She knows it, even if she feels cold, she won't care."

Yun Bilu pouted, "Master, it's wrong to think so."

"Yeah, I understood later, in fact, her fragile and sensitive heart is under her strong shell!"

"Master, you are going to find the maid and make it clear."

Gu Zhengxun smiled and said: "Naturally, but you should be able to guess. The reason why the school starts on the 9th day of the first month is actually related to Huang Yize's kid. He must want to see you, and he will definitely find it. Yours, so you have to be mentally prepared."

Yun Bilu gritted her teeth, and she knew that Huang Yize could do it, but he was too strong, and it was really his style that he ordered from the Ministry of Education of State E.

Students will certainly have opinions when the school starts so early.

"School starts on the ninth day of the first month, and I haven't waited enough!"

"I heard that when the school starts this year, all teachers and students in the school will have a New Year gift."

Yun Bilu's eyes widened now, and Huang Yize was so generous that he would give gifts to everyone.

She didn't know what it was like in her heart.

Gu Zhengxun patted Yun Bilu's shoulder, "Well, take a break early today, pack up and pack things up, and send you to school tomorrow, and the school will officially start the day after tomorrow. "

After talking, Gu Zhengxun left, leaving Yun Bilu alone in a mess, she rubbed her head fiercely, forget it, let it be!

The soldiers came to cover up the water and the earth, but at first, the Black Dragon Party wanted to kill her Yun Bilu, and it was no wonder that she was.

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