The doubts in Yun Bilu's eyes naturally fell in the eyes of the two.

Ji Zhiye was crying without tears. He had graduated and was going back to his family, but because there was this emperor who wanted to chase his girlfriend, he went back to school to study for graduate students. Chief Dean.

Huang Yize even felt that after years, he would integrate here to become the principal of the whole school.

Because the young emperor did not know how much capital was invested, and became the largest shareholder of the University of Norbia.

Even President E Rong Ziye of State E fully recognized this change.

After Ji Zhiye knew the news, he worshipped Huang Yize's body in a more stern manner. Naturally, Huang had little need. He was obliged, not to mention being the headmaster of the school. He actually did not like the atmosphere of the family that needed to be worried. .

Since he wants to follow Huang Shao, then he naturally wants to help him! For example, to help Huang Shao chase his girlfriend again.

"Study girl, what a coincidence, I met you here!"

Although Yun Bilu seems to be relatively indifferent to Huang Yize, but she does not make a smile on her face, and she can't ignore the senior Ji Jiye.

"Senior student is good."

"Yun Bilu, you used to call my name directly."

Yun Bilu smiled forcefully, "Before and before, everything will change, this momentary moment."

I do not know why, as long as Huang Yize is next to her, her mood is chaotic, she cannot speak at all, her thoughts are not clear, and she is always easily affected by Huang Yize.

And she always wanted to pay attention to his expression from time to time, but she refrained from seeing him or putting her eyes on him.

Yun Bilu's remark just now had an impact on Huang Yize.

Huang Yize carefully chewed the meaning of what she just said, "Is it momentary? Has it changed?"

In Huang Yize's mind, even if it changes, he will let them go back to the best time, everything is artificial.

While searching for topics and Yun Bilu in Ji Zhiye, Huang Yize kept looking down at his girl.

Yun Bilu couldn't ignore this strong line of sight. She was tortured and she even wanted to escape.

"Yun Bilu, I am currently in graduate school in our school, so I will continue to stay in school, school girl, I will be responsible for this exam, but I see the system shows that you are making up the exam, school girl, you are so smart , How could you make up the exam?"

Yun Bilu was a little embarrassed and didn't know how to explain. She raised her eyes quietly and glanced at Huang Yize, meeting his moving eye waves. Her heart beat for a few beats, but only one glance, Yun Bilu quickly looked away.

Perhaps it was Huang Yize who did not tell Ji Zhiye the specific issue between them.

Yun Bilu thought about it and explained to Ji Zhiye: "Something happened last year, I was not in a mood to come back, and there were still some things that were delayed, so I took the exam again at this time."

Ji Zhiye then looked at Huang Yize, "I said, you two boyfriends and girls, haven't you seen them for a long time? You need to be so troublesome? Xuemei, don't misunderstand Huang Yize, you don't care about him He was so thin that he didn’t even eat for the past few days. I think he also drank water. We lived in the dormitory at the time, and he didn’t sleep at night."

Ji Zhiye's tone was awkward, and there seemed to be a tone of regret and no way, but listening to Yunbi Lu's ears, it was another taste.

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