Huang Yize let go of Yun Bilu's hand and held her shoulder, so that Yun Bilu could not escape.

Huang Yize looked at Yun Bilu deeply. In fact, there were too many words to tell her, but I didn't know how to speak.

Yun Bilu looked up to Huang Yize. His eyes contained too many complex emotions, and some injuries could not be covered.

Yun Bilu felt distressed, and the pain was terrible, but she gritted her teeth and didn't speak or speak.

Huang Yize sighed and said softly: "Bilu, I know you hate me and blame me, but don't run away from me, okay?"

Yun Bilu listened to Huang Yize's words, his heart trembling, he was the young master of the Black Dragon Party!

Why had she heard him in a weak tone of prayer.

She didn't like to hear him say such things, she didn't want to suffer in her heart, just like he is now, all because of her.

This feeling made her very uncomfortable.


Yun Bilu's eyes were sour, and he didn't let himself be weak in front of him.

She looked up and looked at Huang Yize seriously, "Huang Yize, do you feel that no matter what you do to me, I should continue to do what I did as before, without any heart and soul?"

This was the first time Yun Bilu spoke to Huang Yize in a questioning tone.

Huang Yize looked at her eyes, there was a bitter pain there, and Huang Yize's heart followed the severe pain, she was uncomfortable, and he would be even more distressed when he saw it.

Huang Yize also realized how deeply she hurt her and how thoroughly she ignored it before.

I never knew that women’s hearts should be taken care of before. Their hearts are as fragile and emotional as crystals.

"Girl, it's not like this. It's because I didn't protect you and made you wronged."

Yun Bilu felt a bit difficult in her heart. She took a deep breath and said one by one: "Huang Yize, it's not that you haven't protected me, but that there is really a problem between us, and it's not that I didn't love deeply enough. It’s because you think I’m too easy to get to. I don’t have to worry about how I think, or whether I will get hurt. If you show some patience to me, it won’t be like that.”

In fact, no matter how long after that, she is very caring about the experience of the time in the Black Dragon Party, especially when she is so lonely, there is such a need for him, she is waiting for him, looking forward to him, but he uses that Her indifferent tone excluded her.

Whenever I think about it, my heart is stinging and unacceptable. Others hurt Yun Bilu, she doesn't feel sad, but only Emperor Yi Ze, even if he is indifferent, she can't stand it.

Because he is her honey!

Once the honey becomes bitter, she will lose her sense of taste.

"Sorry, girl."

Huang Yize looked at Yun Bilu like this, he was also uncomfortable, but he could not refute. At that time, he really ignored her and treated her indifferently.

"Huang Yize, you admit it. At that time, you actually had regrets and regretted taking me to the Black Dragon Party. You don’t think you should take me there. You think I want to go to the center camp for selection training. In fact, it is also unreasonable. You I feel wrong if I don’t listen to you. All my efforts seem to be taken for granted. I don’t understand you at all when you feel that you even blurted out and shouldn’t take me to the Black Dragon Party. , Isn't it?"

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