As soon as Huang Yize saw Yunbi appearing in his sight, the condensed look softened, his whole body showed a warmth, and there was a faint smile in the corner of his mouth.

Even if it is just a shallow smile, it is absolutely stunning.

Yun Bilu feels particularly dazzling. He can't ignore his charm in any way. His delicate facial features and gentle smiles fascinate all beings.

Yun Bilu rarely sees Huang Yize's smile, as if he fell into the world at once.

Huang Yize's body and mind are now on Yun Bilu. When he sees Yun Bilu, his mood will get better.

Yun Bilu walked towards Huang Yize step by step, restrained the impulse, and walked toward him restrainedly and calmly, looking at his eyebrows, especially his eye waves, all inside her reflection, it seemed that his attention The power is all on her.

Seeing Yun Bilu slowly approaching him, this time, Huang Yize took the lead in greeting her, walked to Yun Bilu's side, and embraced Yun Bilu.

"Everyone is watching!"

Yun Bilu just wanted to push away, but Huang Yize was just a hug and let go of her.

"Hungry? I brought you something to eat."

Yun Bilu froze and looked down at the rice cooker that Huang Yize held in his hand. "You came here just to bring me food?"

Huang Yize nodded, "Well, I'm afraid you are hungry. I made it myself. There are sweet and sour pork ribs you like. Below is the eight treasure porridge. I put honey. You love sweet, so the eight treasure porridge is also sweet."

In fact, Yun Bilu suffered a lot of shocks in her heart. Listening to his words, there were waves of ripples in her heart. To be honest, she never thought about it, and Huang Yize would treat her so carefully and never thought about it. One day, Huang Yize would cook for him and give it to her.

For a time, her gentle eyes looked at the rice cooker, and her heart was instantly irradiated by the warm sun. Everything that once made her cold seemed to fade away.

Yun Bilu bit her lip, " go back to the special cooking?"

"Well, I always remember what you like to eat. I didn’t have much time to take care of you before. I will cook for you in the school apartment. If you want to eat, come over and eat."

Yun Bilu listened, his eyes lit up, can he eat his cooking every day?

Yun Bilu actually cooks. She used to cook a lot for Huang Yize, but she would also be lazy, and Huang Yize is definitely better than her. She has eaten a few times and especially likes it.

If he can eat the food he cooks every day, this is absolutely naked temptation.

But now the situation is, can she endure such temptation?

Huang Yize looked down at Yun Bilu, couldn't see her specific expression, and said slowly: "If you are busy, I will come downstairs every day to give you meals."

Yun Bilu listened and opened his mouth. Although he said that this proposal was also very good, he came to give her meals, but Huang Yize was recognized as the male **** of the whole school.

Every time the male **** comes downstairs in the dormitory, it will inevitably cause onlookers. If you let everyone know that he will give her meals every day, everyone's eyes are estimated to have a knife.

Yun Bilu took the rice cooker in the hands of Huang Yize and said, "You don't have to work so hard, I can go to the cafeteria..."

Huang Yize blocked Yun Bilu's next words with his fingers, he shook his head and said: "You are my girlfriend, I am very happy."

"You have to be busy with your family's affairs, you will be tired."

Like the rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife please collect: ( The rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife's literary update is the fastest.

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