If Huang Yize didn't hesitate, Yun Bilu froze. She rolled over, blinked, looked at Huang Yize, tilted her head and said, "Huang Yize, do you know what I'm going to do? You just say Stay with me?"

Huang Yize raised his eyebrows and smiled: "No matter what you do, you are mine, so I want to accompany you."

"Go up the knife hill and go down in flames!"

"If you are going, I will carry you."

After listening to Huang Yize's serious answer, Yun Bilu chuckled. Why didn't she find that Huang Yize still has such a moving side!

Huang Yize watched Yun Bilu smile there all the time, and seeing her bright smile, the haze in her heart seemed to dissipate. She was infected by this smile and her mood became better.

"Still laughing?"

Yun Bilu poked Huang Yize's chest with his finger. "It's funny, okay, I'm fine. Why do you want to go up the sword and fire down, there are only a few things to do."

"Well, I will accompany you."

Looking at Huang Yize with a serious expression, Yun Bi couldn't restrain her mouth from raising her eyes, her eyebrows were curved, and she was clearly in a good mood.

"Huang Yize, why have you never said such things to me before?"

With that said, Yun Bilu was still lying on the bed, her head resting on her hands, and she stared at Huang Yize with clear eyes.

Huang Yize thought about it before and sighed: "It used to be that there are some words that need not be said. You will understand that you will understand. Later I found out that I was too conceited."

"You are not arrogant, you are the capital of pride, you can only say that you used to be a high-level fairy level, and I was drawn into the world, contaminated with seven emotions and six desires."

Huang Yize looked at such a lovely Bilu, his heart softened into water, just wanted to accompany her, love her, he patted Yun Bilu's little head, said: "This sentence is a bit reasonable."

"You are not humble at all."

"Girl, what do you want me to say, eh?" Then, Huang Yize held Yun Bilu's head and kissed her gently...

From eyebrows, noses, ears...

"Oh, don't, itch... giggling..." The place where the ear is the most sensitive is Yun Bilu. After Huang Yize's kiss, she had little resilience and her whole body was soft.

Huang Yize is still going down, thinking of it for a long time. Once this enthusiasm broke out, even he felt the throb of the whole body. When he was emotional, it was even more painful.

"Girl, can I?"

Yun Bilu felt her body cool and her clothes were scattered. She panicked Huang Yize's hand, "No, no...I..."

Yun Bilu spoke almost incoherently.

She is really not ready yet, but she doesn't know what to say.

When Yun Bilu was tangled, it was easy to bite her lower lip. Huang Yize looked distressed and stopped, then placed her hand in Yun Bilu's mouth, "Don't bite."

Now he was distressed to see her biting her own lips.

Yun Bilu looked at Huang Yize with a confused look and hesitated and said, "Huang Yize, I..."

"I know, don't worry, I will give you time."

Huang Yize now realizes that before Yun Bilu's mood, when she took the initiative every time before, and even tried her best to seduce, he refused, and she now understands her mood at that time.

Huang Yize held his head, really didn't understand, that was the wrong string at that time.

Huang Yize calmed down his inner throbbing, holding Yunbilu and said: "Let me hold you like this, don't move first."

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