Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie’s Dearest Beloved Wife

Chapter 2197: Don't scare him next time

Looking at Yun Bilu's open teeth and dancing claws, Huang Yize quickly released her hand and ran to the side while running and shouted: "Girl, you are murdering boyfriend!"

Yun Bilu ran after Huang Yize, "Don't run, let you laugh at me..."


"Cough... oops, I have no energy..."

"Girl, if you can catch up with me, today I will carry you around on the playground..."


On the campus, the laughter of the two resounded, you were laughing, laughing with you, you were making trouble, making trouble with you.

This cheerful atmosphere is really suitable for their young people, is the feeling of true pink bubble love.

Yun Bilu ran against the wind and her face was red, but her heart was free, and she hadn't felt this way for a long time.

It turned out that Huang Yize would also play with her and make trouble with her.

During the run, Yun Bilu found a feeling of youth and was really happy.

Huang Yize will not run very fast, he is always a little faster than her, so that she can not run him, but Huang Yize will always look at her, as if he has been waiting for her, and his eyebrows are also It's all her figure.

Yun Bilu was tired, and deliberately covered her stomach and squatted: "Well, my stomach hurts..."

As soon as she looked at her, Huang Yize's complexion changed directly, and her expression fell, and she quickly ran to Yun Bilu's side, and she had to hug her carefully, "What's wrong? How can his stomach hurt?"

"Girl, talk, don't scare me..."

"Girl, how are you?"

"Girl, I will take you to the hospital..."


Huang Yize's continuous speech even brought some confusion and incoherence.

Yun Bilu looked at Huang Yize like this, and was really stunned. This kind of him, she had never seen before, you can really feel that he is worried about you, and very worried.

Yun Bilu was actually just running tired, and wanted him to wait for himself, but she said a word unexpectedly, and he would be nervous like this.

The former Huang Yize was very restrained in emotions. Even if she was forced or chased hard, he was all a faint look, so that she could not touch her and could not feel his heart.

But now, his performance is so obvious that she can feel every moment that she is important to him.

"Huang Yize, don't worry, I'm okay, I might run too fast, a little bit disappointed."

Hearing Yun Bilu's words, Huang Yize let out a long sigh of relief and touched Yun Bilu's hair. "Don't scare me next time."

"But Huang Yize, you weren't like this before! Now you can't stand it."

Huang Yize sighed, "Girl, I only have you now. You don't know how important you are to me, but I know it."

The words clearly sounded so touching, but Yun Bilu felt sad, and had to start to reflect on himself. "Actually, I was a bit cold before you, and I was angry at you, and I was not right."

"Girl, do you know what is the best thing you did?"

"Where do I know."

Huang Yize petted and smiled, and lifted Yun Bilu up, and looked at her carefully several times. After confirming that there was no problem, he slowly said: "You came to my world, and you let People told me that you are still alive."

Huang Yize's expression made Yun Bilu feel as if she hurt him.

"We will be fine in the future, I will always hold your hand."

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