Xie Limo smiled mysteriously: "No, the people who killed us are outside the hotel, and the innocent people are inside the hotel. They will not come out. Chaos refers to other aspects."

Sure enough, noisy voices were heard outside the hotel, a bit like a shrew curse.

Yun Bixue looked out through the window. A woman was carrying more than a dozen people behind her, rushing into the hotel, and shouted cursingly, "Come on, come in, whoever catches the fox spirit first, will be paid more..."

More than a dozen men and women ran in towards the hotel, and after a while, there was more intense noise in the hotel corridor, and there seemed to be a fight.

Yun Bixue quietly opened the door of the hotel, "Is the main room outside catching Xiaosan?"

Xie Limo nodded with a smile.

Yun Bixue looked at Xie Limo's beautiful face, and coughed: "Mr. Xie, are you interested in this?"

"Not interested, but this trouble is useful to us."

Yun Bixue suddenly looked up at Xie Limo, his eyes glowed with burning light, "What do you think of Primary Three?"

Xie Limo did not expect that his wife, who had always been calm and sensible, would ask such a question, as if this question had never been within the scope of his consideration.

But seeing his wife staring at him so scorchingly, he directly said: "In my heart, only you, no matter whether it is the third or the fourth, will not appear in our world."

Although Yun Bixue knew his heart long ago, it was just to tease him, but she didn't expect to hear such a satisfactory answer. She kissed him on the tip of her toes.

Xie Limo was mainly anti-guest, holding Yun Bixue to have a deep kiss until she panted before letting go.

Because the kiss was too fierce, Yun Bixue had a trace of water stains on her lips. Xie Limo stretched out her jade-like hand and wiped her off in a rubbing motion.

Yun Bixue felt that her heart was beating, and she was stunned when she was unconscious, but in the present situation, she couldn't allow her to move other minds, because they had to break out overnight.

Yun Bixue can only work hard to set his mind.

But Yun Bixue didn't find that he was less tense at this meeting, and the whole person seemed to be a lot easier.

The same is true for Xie Limo. Only if she is by her side, the entire talent will be in a relaxed state, and will not be nervous because of the subsequent anti-siege.

Xie Limo said the plan in Yun Bixue's ear, the two were fully armed, and by the way, Yun Bixue also put the charming bird in his arms.

Xie Limo and Yun Bixue followed the team from the "main room" and walked out without causing any doubt.

When passing through the dark place where the enemy was hiding, the two also tried to solve the person silently.

They could have gone directly to the unknown state, but after they had left the hotel, they turned around and led Xie's Shadow Guard directly to counter-catch.

The muffler was constantly shaking in the night sky. Yun Bixue held a small gun, a dagger, and a gun, and exerted all the strength of his body.

In particular, her ear power came in handy this time. As soon as the enemy moved, she could accurately capture it, and then shot instantly, or instantly touched the dagger.

Xie Limo is faster, like a leopard in the jungle, fast and fierce...

After a quarter of an hour, more than a hundred people on the periphery have been wiped out.

Yun Bixue gasped for a moment, condensing God: "Li Mo, they just secretly sent a signal."

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