She admires people who come up with such a training method and has a feeling of wanting to see.

Before coming, she thought that the training method was similar to that of the military army. Now it seems that she thinks too much.

I really can't think about the training of the center camp according to my own thinking.

She found that receiving the 310th was really a lot of benefits. She could hear what the people around me were saying, and she went out and asked about it.

"Everyone is also guessing what training will happen today."

"The thirteenth boy in that corner said that it will snow this afternoon, and it will still be heavy snow and will seal the mountain."

Yun Bilu turned her head to see, wasn't the thirteenth boy the one who rode the bull before she came? Quite weird, can he predict the weather?

Yun Bilu asked No. 310 with some doubt, "He said to himself?"

"Well, I have found that he occasionally talks to himself, and people around him are discussing him, saying that he is too weird, and he is far away from him."

Yun Bi opened her mouth and said, "Hurry up and finish, let's go."

No. 310 has another advantage. No matter what Yun Bilu does, she will not ask the reason, and she will support her unconditionally. She thinks she is right.

After eating, they sat back in front of the thirteenth with a plate.

Yun Bilu smiled very kindly, "We will meet again on the 13th."

On the 13th, he looked at Yun Bilu and said nothing.

"I know that you may not deliberately ignore people, you just don't know what to say, right?"

When the boy heard this, his eyes flickered, but he still didn't speak.

Yun Bilu patted his shoulder and said: "In the future, the three of us will be in a group, and we will go hunting later. We will be companions together, and no one will drop anyone."

The young man's expression seemed touched, "You, don't you think I'm a monster?"

Hearing his words, Yun Bilu froze, monster? Why does he think so?

"Everyone has their own special place, don't be pretentious, don't care about other people's views, do what you think is right, the two of us will not think you are a monster, and I have been fighting with people since my training camp. No. 310 is also very special, but I think this is an advantage, isn’t it?"

The teenager looked at Yun Bilu deeply, as if observing what she said was right or wrong.

No. 310 also nodded vigorously, "Well, we are all normal, because others despise us, so we have to be stronger, join us. No. 26 is our boss, she is very good."

In this way, Yun Bilu spent a lot of time, and worked hard with the 310th double reed, so that the thirteenth boy joined their team.

Many subsequent events have shown that Yun Bilu really has foresight.

Seeing the three pass, many people around expressed doubt and strangeness.

Many of them think that this thirteenth is a problem boy, or even a monster, but they are wondering why the twenty-sixth will choose him to pass.

"Sister, look, on the 26th, who is chosen to pass, hum, it's ridiculous."

"Everyone is in a group, and they are still alone. Naturally, they can pull as much as they can. After all, we have to fight against these groups. She suffers."

"That monster has no effort at first glance. Last night, he stayed outside all night. It was a miracle not to freeze to death!"


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