Xie Lizhen's heart was unexamined, and reason and emotion were intertwined.

Ye Junqing in her memory, calm and confident, free and easy, He Zeng was so sad and tired, she understood that she was easily shaken and soft-hearted.

About her and his memory, clear and distant.

At this time Lele ran in, "Mommy, Mommy, the skirt my aunt bought me."

Yun Bixue likes little girls, and Lingyan is still young, so she bought a princess dress for Lele.

Lele is five years old and likes to be pretty too, so after putting it on, she can’t wait to let her mum look.

Seeing Lele, Xie Lizhen immediately smiled gently on his face, "Lele is so beautiful!"

Hearing mummy say good-looking, Lele jumped up cheerfully.

"Lele, sing a song."

Lele thought for a while and said, "Mom, which song?"

"Sing whatever you like."

"Where is spring, where is spring... spring is in the eyes of the child..."

A cheerful voice rang in the room. Xie Lizhen didn't hang up the phone. After Lele sang the song, Xie Lizhen cut the phone directly.

Ye Jun was listening intently, and suddenly the phone was silent.

He looked at the cellphone that had been hung up and smiled. His Jin'er was still so kind and always easy-hearted.

Although she still didn't give her a good face, she could suddenly hear her daughter Lele's singing, and his mood suddenly became very good.

He knew that Li Zhen let him listen.

At this moment, the loneliness and loneliness of Ye Junqing disappeared, and the whole person became free and easy again.

He thought of Yeshi's problems and his eyes were firm. In order to protect the people he wanted to protect, he also had to solve all the problems.


Xie Lizhen looked at the phone and recovered from her memories. It was the last time she talked to Ye Junqing and received a text message. After that, he seemed to cut off the news and there was no text message.

But after the New Year, my brother told her that he buried Lin Qiushui's ashes with A Chuan's.

She knew that Ye Junqing must have sent Lin Qiushui back.

She didn't specifically ask her brother for details, but she understood.

It's early spring now, and she feels the breath of spring, but her heart can't warm up.

Xie Lizhen now loves more and more into thinking and memories. Every time Lele goes to school, she stays alone.

She sometimes thinks about analyzing her feelings, and when she looks at her daughter Lele, she is very worried.

Worried that Lele will grow up in the future and will also be hurt in love.

One day, when Xie Lizhen watched a TV series, she suddenly had an idea in her mind. She wanted to find Lele to grow up together and grow up together. Since childhood, she has deep feelings and will not be injured when she grows up!

But where is this suitable bamboo horse?

Xie Lizhen observed for a long time, thought for a long time, and found no suitable person.

Later, she wanted to adopt a better boy, become Lele's older brother, and be a fiancé.

I have to say that Xie Lizhen is afraid of being injured, so she is particularly worried about her daughter's future love life.

What she feels the most reliable is to cultivate from an early age, someone who can really hurt her daughter, she will be relieved.

Xie Lizhen couldn't forgive Ye Junqing and couldn't be more tempted to others because of all the experiences she had experienced before, so she felt that she couldn't be with her daughter forever and gave her a lot of care.

All she can do is find someone for her daughter who has been hurting her, so she can rest assured.

Of course, Xie Lizhen's thoughts, Xie Limo and Yun Bixue did not know, except for the inexplicable dream at night, both of them try to spend more time with the two children during the day.

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