Xie Limo grabbed Yun Bixue's hand and put it in his heart, "Here it hurts, Axue, you don't see the doctor, I am very worried, obedient, don't be capricious."

Yun Bixue faced Xie Limo's eyes, a little guilty, rubbing his neck, "Then, why don't you go to the hospital to see it! Don't tell grandpas and parents, let's say we went shopping."

The main reason is that Grandpa is now too old to stand up. Although it is just a cough, if Grandpa knows that she sees a doctor, she might not think about it.

Xie Limo's expression softened, "Well, I won't let them know."

Next, Xie Limo quickly arranged for people to guard in secret. He drove Yun Bixue to the best hospital.

Xie Limo drove through the streets of Ning'an City, and Yun Bixue looked through the car window, feeling quite touched.

Because in this land, there are many memories of her and Xie Limo, many beautiful memories.

The first acquaintance, knowing each other and loving each other are so beautiful.

In a blink of an eye, three or four years have passed, and the time is really fast.

But recalling, there was no melancholy, because she is now very happy, her love, family and children are all good, she is very content.

Xie Limo looked at Yun Bixue's smile, and asked softly, "What are you thinking, so happy?"

Yun Bixue cheerfully said: "Although Ning'an has changed a lot, but there are many of our memories here, you remember, you walked with me on this street, it snowed one day, and you carried me back Home!"

Xie Limo couldn't help but catch his mouth. His memory was already very good. He remembered every bit of his wife.

He remembered that his wife's favorite thing was to let him carry it.

And every time he carried her, she was exceptionally quiet.

"And there, at the entrance of the shopping mall, I had a dispute with Meng Xinyan before! But now Meng Xinyan no longer exists, nothing is more than a person!"

"Don't think about being unhappy."

"No unhappy, I have you in all my memories, you protect me, protect me, or I don't know how to resist at first."

Xie Limo remembered her at that time and shook her head, "You are still soft at first."

Yun Bixue whispered: "At that time, you must think that my IQ is not high enough. Later, under your guidance, I became stronger and stronger."

Xie Limo remembered that at that time, his heart also touched a lot. He held the steering wheel in one hand and touched Yun Bixue's head with the other hand. "At that time, you were really distressing."

Up to now, he still remembers the first time she saw her, fell to the ground, was injured by broken glass, but still stubbornly refused to soften.

At that time, he didn't know how he had stepped forward to support her.

Before that, too many women tried to reach him, but only that time, he made an exception for her.

Maybe there was really something in the past and present, and he saw her at a glance.

Xie Limo raised her eyebrows and joked: "In this way, I can be regarded as your half master."

"It's not Master, you are my Mr. Xie."

Xie Limo's heart moved, as if thinking of something, he drove the car next to it and stopped, turned to look at Yun Bixue, "What should you call me?"

"I was calling you Mr. Xie from the beginning!"

Xie Limo leaned close to Yun Bixue and whispered in her ear: "There is another name, what am I?"

Yun Bixue's ears are hot, and Nuo Nuo said: "Her husband, husband."

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