For Yun Bixue, the top priority now is to open the Yunjia's underground city. Other things must wait for everything to stabilize before considering.

If she becomes pregnant again, she hopes to keep her family and her children well this time, and stop having so many thrilling things.

Xie Limo naturally knows what Yun Bixue is thinking about.

In fact, he didn't want her to suffer any more. It was her who said that she wanted a child again, and now she is also worried.

But in Xie Limo's heart, Yun Bixue's emotions are the most important, "Okay, listen to you."

Yun Bixue felt that he was deeply indulged, and he embraced Xie Limo's neck with both hands and murmured: "You are too fond of me."

Xie Limo touched Yun Bixue's hair, "You used to suffer a lot from me before, but now you naturally have to spoil it."

What if he does not spoil and his wife leaves?

Yun Bixue excitedly kissed Xie Limo's lips.

Xie Limo's eyes dimmed, his emotions were like this, he was directly anti-guest, and Yun Bixue was not allowed to escape.

An emotion, a passion, Yun Bixue could not bear it, and became soft water.

When I was drowsy, I fell asleep like this.

Xie Limo held her and washed her. After scrubbing, she held her and fell asleep with satisfaction.

Although Yun Bixue was tired and exhausted, he still reflexively leaned into Xie Limo's arms and found a comfortable posture before he went to sleep.

Xie Limo looked at her unconscious movements, smiled, and bowed her head to kiss her forehead.

Yun Bixue's body shuddered, his eyes didn't open, and he mumbled, ", so sleepy..."

Xie Limo looked at her tenderly and said in amusement: "Okay, don't toss you anymore, sleep well, good night, my wife."

Yun Bixue couldn't open his eyes, was sleepy, and had no energy in his body, but the corner of his mouth still responded with two words, "Good night."

The voice was very shallow and soft, but Xie Limo listened, and felt that his wife was really cute.

It can be said that he likes everything about her.

In a hidden house in Ning'an

Zuo Qiuzimei was sitting there, a bit dazed, these days, the figure of the man would appear in her mind, elegant and windy.

Perhaps she couldn't find any good words to describe that person.

Zuo Qiuzimei found that the vocabulary she went to school was not enough and could not be described at all.

Except for Huang Yize, this is the only person who makes her so emotional and wants to get it.

Huang Yize is too dangerous. She doesn't dare to go up now, but she is confident that Ning'an, a land brand, can win.

The man's style is different from that of Huang Yize. He is so beautiful that with one glance, it is amazing.

Until now, she still can feel her heart beating, her eyes gleaming predatoryly.

Just when she was thinking about something, her subordinate came over, "Miss!"

"Did you find it?"

"I found it. The man's name was Xie Limo. Everyone respectfully called him Xie Shao. He was once the head of Ning'an City and later became the Minister of State of the Imperial Capital..."

Zuo Qiuzimei listened to the briefing of Xie Limo's life reported by her subordinates, and was more excited, so that such a man could be worthy of her left Qiuzimei.

Sure enough, the person who made her look amazing is not just a generic generation, but also has a bright future.

Zuo Qiuzi beautifully played with his finger, "Xie Shao? Xie Limo, the names are pretty good!"

Like the rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife please collect: ( The rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife's literary update is the fastest.

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