Huang Yize's expression changed when he heard Yun Bilu's emotion.

He had a feeling of fear, but fortunately he met Bilu.

Huang Yize understood that if it were not for the existence of Bilu, he would probably also follow the path of his father. The whole person was like a puppet of power, ruthless and cold-blooded.

"It is you who make me feel affectionate and make me like a normal person."

"You are very good, you blame your father. I used you as a tool since childhood. I am not afraid to tell you that I just hate him."

Huang Yize said warmly: "Well, hate it, I have no affection for him."

In general, Huang Minglin played no role in his growth, did not care or care, and did not fulfill the responsibility of a father.

He just kept asking him for this and that.

He has always grown up and lived according to Huang Minglin's requirements, except that people have the ability to think and reason. Huang Minglin feels how he feels about him.

Coupled with his mother's death because of him, he couldn't get closer to Huang Minglin.

Originally, for Bilu, he was willing to ease his relationship with his father, but many facts proved how ridiculous his idea was.

Yun Bilu knew he was most important in his heart.

She should be happy, but she loves Huang Yize, "Yong Yize, my family is your family, they like you very much, don't be sad."

"No, the people I care about will only make me sad. The people I don't care about, no matter what they do, will not make me sad."


The news about the Song family broke out on the Internet and in the news, and it was flamboyant.

For a time, the entire Black Dragon Party was discussing the Song family's affairs more than 20 years ago.

Huang Minglin was indeed caught off guard.

He was drinking herbal medicine while picking up the morning paper, and his face suddenly changed when he saw the headlines above.

When he looked down a few more lines, his whole body shook, his hands shook, and the medicine bowl in his hand fell to the ground with a "snap" and shattered.


Huang Minglin was caught flat-footed by the sudden news, suddenly breathless, and began to cough violently.

"Master, lord, what's wrong with you?"

The servant quickly came up to give Huang Minglin a good luck.

After Huang Minglin breathed smoothly, he shouted: "Get out, get out!"

With that said, he threw the newspaper **** the ground and stepped on it.

"Master, don't be angry. You recently suffered a stroke. The doctor said you can't be angry."

A fierce light flashed in Huang Minglin's eyes, "Who brought the newspaper in?"

"Back to the old man's words, it's number 12!"

"Dismiss her!"


Although they didn't understand why the old man wanted to do this, the old man told him to report it every morning.

In the yard

When I received the dismissal order on the 12th, I was stupid. "Wangsao, why is this happening? I did a good job. Why did the master dismiss me?"

Wangsao looked around and whispered in the ear on the twelfth: "Recently, the old man has a temperamental moody mood, and you don’t know, hey, this is no way, you should find another job!"

"But, I was dismissed from here, who would dare to use me?"

Wangsao thought for a while and said, "Maybe you can go to the young master and he will help you."

Huang Minglin’s attention was still on the Song family’s affairs, and he quickly called his confidant, “What is going on with this incident? Who dares to report on the Song family’s affairs and who did it?”

"Master, my subordinates are also investigating this matter. This matter is very strange. It has passed for more than 20 years, and it was suddenly set off. We have no precautions!"

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