Mo Qiuxi never knew that college life could be so good.

Perhaps because of Wen Qingzhu, her life has become brighter and brighter.

Wen Qingzhu was really gentle with her, and he gave her everything she could.

Of course he said apart from love.

He is busy, but he always takes time to accompany her, eat with her, buy her gifts and snacks.

She cherishes these simple things.

She is always considerate of him. When he is doing experiments, staying up late, she will accompany him, buy him food, and let him take care of his stomach.

The relationship between the two in the eyes of outsiders is so beautiful and enviable.

Wen Qingzhu has a gentle personality and never gets angry.

And Mo Qiuxi is also a gentle temperament, she can be content with Wen Qingzhu, and she will not be angry or awkward.

At the beginning, Wen Qingzhu's classmates and friends all felt uncomfortable for him, so why did he choose such an ordinary girlfriend.

But later, everyone discovered that Mo Qiuxi is really good, she has her charm.

Everyone later realized that there is a girl who does not fall into the country, but can warm up the years, and in the long stream of water, it makes people feel happy.

Mo Qiuxi is such a warm girl. Later, the classmates around Wen Qingzhu liked Mo Qiuxi very much.

Any activity will also propose to take her.

Even if she goes out to play, she will always take care of a lot of supplies.

At first, everyone felt that there was no need to bring something, but when they really needed it, they could get it from Mo Qiuxi.

Everyone will ridicule to Wen Qingzhu that he has a discerning eye.

Mo Qiuxi slowly integrated into Wen Qingzhu's life in his own way.

The two seemed really good and harmonious, but they really didn't have any intimate contact except holding hands.

For these, Mo Qiu didn't care, she was a very content person.

"Sister Qiuxi, since I met you, several of my buddies said that looking for a girlfriend can't just look at the face and look at the figure, it depends on the content."

Mo Qiuxi smiled and remained silent.

Sometimes she doesn't know how to talk, so she keeps silent, because if she is silent, she won't make a mistake and won't embarrass Wen Qingzhu.

But she would smile softly. Even if she didn’t speak, everyone would only feel that she was gentle.

For a long time, she and Wen Qingzhu lived the school life like that.

Until Wen Qingzhu graduated and returned home, Mo Qiuxi continued to study at the university.


Mo Qiuxi just leaned back in Wen Qingzhu's arms, thinking about those old days.

Seemingly feeling the silence of Mo Qiuxi, and realizing that she had never slept, Wen Qingzhu gently said, "Qiu Xi, can't sleep?"

Mo Qiuxi heard Wen Qingzhu's voice and suddenly recovered from his memories.

Only then did she realize that she really married him instead of college time.

She was really kissed by him and held by him...

Mo Qiuxi has a sour feeling in her eyes. She actually waited for this day for a long time.

Hold and kiss by the beloved.

She looked up at Wen Qingzhu up close, and looked at him still so beautiful, all had a good feeling of years.

"Well, I can't sleep."

Wen Qingzhu lowered his head and kissed Mo Qiuxi's forehead, then patted her back gently with her hand. "Close your eyes, slowly count, and you will fall asleep."

When Mo Qiuxi felt warm, she could feel that Wen Qingzhu was very gentle and very good, but she knew what the shortcomings were.

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