The visual impact made Han Yichu's throat dry and rolled.

He held Huang Qingwu's hands stiff and tense.

For a long while, he took a deep breath, then stretched out his hand and gently wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes for Huang Qingwu.

Although I know that Huang Qingwu may not hear it, it's because I dreamed of crying.

But Han Yichu still whispered: "Dance, don't cry, I'm here, don't be afraid of anything, I won't hurt you again..."

Although Han Yichu's voice was low and mute, he was very gentle.

Perhaps Huang Qingwu really heard his appeasement, and his emotions gradually stabilized.

Han Yichu was relieved to see that she was not crying.

Because of the worries just now, Han Yichu sweated on his forehead.

This is the wife of his last life, loved by his life, how can he give her a little bit of unhappiness.

In that life, war was the biggest factor preventing them from being together, but in this life, what can stop him from loving her in a peaceful age?

Han Yichu has been guarding the Emperor Qingwu dance, and looks at her almost intently.

As if to make up for the missing time.

It wasn't until noon that Huang Qingwu woke up quietly.

When Han Yichu saw that Huang Qingwu woke up, he stood up excitedly, and grasped Huang Qingwu's hand, and tightened, "Qingwu, you woke up, woke up, that's great..."

No one knows the emotion of Han Yichu at this time, he really has a feeling of weeping.

Huang Qingwu still had a trance look, never recovered.

But when she saw Han Yichu, she still showed a relaxed smile, very shallow, but made her pale face bright and moving.

Han Yichu was very excited and quickly got a doctor to check with Huang Qingwu.

After confirming that there was no problem, he stooped and hugged Huang Qingwu gently.


Huang Qingwu's words all had a delicate and soft tone, as if in the dust, when she was uncomfortable, she could not help but become weak and fragile in front of him.

Hearing Huang Qingwu calling his name in such a tone, Han Yi's eyes turned red.

This feeling was too long, and his heart trembled fiercely.

He wanted to say something, but because of the excitement, he couldn't make a sound for a while.

Han Yichu calmed down his emotions, and said hoarsely: "Well, I'm here, always there, what do you want to say? Is there any discomfort?"

Huang Qingwu shook his head, "I want to hug."

"Okay, hug."

Han Yichu's voice choked, and he hugged Huang Qingwu with his body low, and the moistness of his eyes almost couldn't help it.

The person he loves so much really wants to rub into his body.

Huang Qingwu thought of everything in the dust, and wept again.

They can still meet again, they can be together, how good, she said, this life, she came to love her first, she should not forget to make him sad.

Huang Qingwu blamed herself, but did not know that she forgot more than these memories.

"Sorry, I forgot my past in the past."

Han Yichu's body stiffened. "Dancing, you... do you remember anything?"

"I remember the scene where you left me, I don't want to be separated from you."

Han Yichu returned to reason at this time, knowing vaguely what Huang Qingwu remembered, and the memories of the pain he brought to her, she really forgot.

He didn't know whether he should be happy or hurt.

But such a hug, such a feeling, he did not want to destroy, he really did not want to remind her of the past in this life.

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